University of Florida Football Media Conference

Monday, August 26, 2024

Gainesville, Florida, USA

Jason Marshall Jr.

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How significant is this game to you, being a Miami guy?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I think it's very significant. Blessed to have this opportunity. In my recruiting process, they were hot up there. Then just being from Miami, watching that team growing up, watching that organization, I feel like it's good, so...

Q. What do you see from Cam Ward? Pretty good escape-ability...

JASON MARSHALL JR.: At the end of the day he's a great player. Can't discredit that. He does scramble a lot. DB has to stay stuck to the receivers. Hopefully we get help from our D-line. I feel like we are. Our D-line giving us pressure, connected to the receivers, I feel like we'll have a good game.

Q. (Question about the crowd.)

JASON MARSHALL JR.: The crowd also plays a big part. That could mess up their communication. It's also a big game for us, as well, so...

Q. Three new starters in the secondary, how is that communication coming together?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I think it's good. We went through spring, fall camp. I feel like it's time to show the communication, show all the work that we put in. We've been in meeting rooms together, watching film together. I feel like the communication is going to be good.

Q. What do you get a sense from other south Florida guys in terms of this game?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: It's a pretty big game for them, as well, all of us being from close to that area. I'm pretty sure they got recruited from Miami as well. I'm pretty sure it's a big game for them, as well.

Q. Restrepo, No. 7, their receiver, what do you see from him?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Like I said, they're all good players. Can't discredit that. They're going to give him the ball. It's a matter of going out there and executing and eliminating that.

Q. Coach said he jokes with you about this being a contract year. Do you go in thinking the same thing, this is the year I'm going to prove I'm going to be a first-round pick?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Like you said, this is a contract year (smiling). But at the end of the day just going out there and proving myself right, that I put in all the work, all the time to be in this spot, so... That's pretty much the biggest thing.

Q. What have you liked about the transfers, like Asa coming into the new system that Will Harris has brought?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Just the experience that he have. Also guys like DJ, Trikweze, the experience they have. They'll help us.

Then also with Jordan, he's still a young guy, but he played a lot last year. Just going out there and having that connection, being able to communicate at a high level, executing at the end of the day.

Q. How important was it to have Jordan Castell come back another year?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: It was very important. Like I said, he is a young guy, but he does have a lot of experience on his hands. He is a good player, so...

I'm excited to see what he does this year.

Q. What have you seen Graham that's maybe a little different? How has he elevated his game?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I don't know, man. He just been locked in. It's crazy. I can't catch a pick from him now (smiling). I mean, he just been locked in since the start of January to now fall camp. Been locked in.

Seeing a different Graham. So I'm excited.

Q. In terms of his performance, what are a thing or two you've seen that are better? Does he seem to be more comfortable?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: A lot more comfortable. I can say that, a lot more comfortable, especially in the offensive game plan. A lot more comfortable.

Q. Do you know a lot about this rivalry personally?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I don't know that much. I do know about the Florida and Miami history. I just know a little bit of it. Not too much.

Q. Do you remember the '08 game, anything beyond that?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I don't. I don't.

Q. Do you remember '08?


Q. What stood out when you watched that hour-long history of Florida-Miami?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I would say just the nastiness that both team have toward each other. Like, there's hate there, you know? At the end of the day they don't like each other. Yeah, so...

Q. That was the way it was back then when they were playing in the '80s. Intense blood baths. Do you feel like you're going to bring that level of emotion and animosity to this game?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I think so. The team is fired up right now. Now that we six, five days away, I'm fired up myself. It just brings out another type of energy when you know it's game week, so...

Q. How are you feeling knowing that these teams battle for recruits every single year? Would you like to see this become a more consistent battle?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Of course. Me being from Miami and coming here, it's a consistent battle of getting recruits. I mean, I just want to show that Florida get their recruits from down there, as well.

Q. How do you think the defense has played in training camp?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I feel like the defense improved a lot. I'm excited for this year. I'm just at a loss for words, how much of a turnaround the defense has come from. I'm excited.

Q. What stands out the most?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: The experience we have, one. Then the brotherhood we have. Then just going out there and playing for each other.

Q. You guys have more takeaways in camp and scrimmages than previous years or even last year.

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Of course, yeah. Of course. I feel like Coach Harris, as far as like DB-wise, he's emphasized the ball, going to get the ball. I know I said it before: If the ball is in the air, it's ours, so...

Q. Your days at Palmetto, Florida and Miami were two of your top schools. What led to you choosing Florida over Miami?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I would say I chose Florida over Miami to kind of get away from Miami. I grew up down there. I spent the majority of my life down there. Just seeing a different environment. I felt like Florida was the best fit for that.

Q. Any Palmetto guys texting you, rival schools?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I talked to Brashard Smith. He transferred from there. He at SMU now. I talked to him a couple days ago. We was joking and stuff like that.

Q. Give you a scouting report?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: No, no (smiling).

Q. As far as the takeaways are concerned, what kind of confidence can that breed? How critical is that to get the crowd going?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Like I say, emphasizing the ball. D-line getting pressure, getting pressure on the quarterback. DBs attacking the ball in the air. Just going after the ball. The ball is the biggest thing.

Q. Remember when Miami had the turnover chain?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Yeah. That was crazy. Yeah, that was crazy.

Q. When you think back, three interceptions for a secondary with you prideful, talented guys, is that something that motivates you, we're not doing that again?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: As far as like...

Q. Over a whole season, you only generated three interceptions. Is that something that fires you guys up?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I mean, of course. We emphasizing the ball, going to get the ball. We have this thing trying to get at least three turnovers or three picks, whatever the case may be, a practice. Implementing that into the season, you know. Hopefully we get three turnovers a game, so...

Q. The baton? Is that out?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: What's that?

Q. When you celebrated turnovers with the baton.

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I don't know that.

Q. On the sideline, the baton.

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I don't know.

Q. How comfortable are you being a leader now, being a vocal guy?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I'm very, very confident. Having a lot of experience under my belt, I seen a lot, so just being able to (indiscernible) what I seen to some of the guys, just giving them some of the knowledge I had that I gained from some other coaches.

Just being able to give them knowledge about the game, about speed, things like that.

Q. When you look back at your freshman season, where do you think you've grown the most?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I'd say confidence, being more of a vocal leader. That's probably two of the biggest things I try to work on at my time here. Being more confident, being more of a vocal leader.

At the end of the day, like I said, I have a lot of experience under my belt. If I'm not a vocal leader, I'm keeping it into my myself, what am I doing for the team?

Q. You've talked about how you went through some mental slumps, highs and lows. How do you feel mentally entering this season?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I feel very confident. I know I said this in a previous media interview. I feel like I got my confidence back. Just going through spring, fall camp, moving good, feeling good, my mental is good. Just having all of that back, I feel good.

Q. When you say 'moving good', I seem to recall you had leg issues. How are you feeling physically?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: I feel good. Kind of changed my eating habits. I think that's what it was. Changed my eating habits. Stretching a lot more. Doing more like beneficial things for my body.

No, I feel much better physically eyes.

Q. What were you eating?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Going to Chick-Fil-A every other day (smiling).

Q. What was your order?

JASON MARSHALL JR.: Probably the chicken sandwich, the meal. Nothing crazy. It stacks up when you go, like, three, four times a week.

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