University of Florida Football Media Conference

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gainesville, Florida, USA

Devin Moore

Press Conference

Texas A&M 33, Florida 20

Q. Devin, they obviously had a lot of success running the ball, 300 something yards. What did you see from your run defense tonight?

DEVIN MOORE: I think the coaches put us in a great spot, the play calls, and just the leverages and assignments. I think the coaches put us in a great spot. We prepared very well during the week. The coaches worked so hard to put the game plan together. I think it's really just on us as players to go out there and execute. It doesn't matter what the game plan is if we can't execute as players.

Q. What did it do to the defense to get on its heels a little bit with the 3rd downs early on and they just continued to keep drives sustained?

DEVIN MOORE: Yeah, as a defense we've got to be just more resilient, even when they do complete one or two 3rd downs. The drive is still not over. We've got to finish drives better and don't let those 3rd down completions lead to points.

Every defense is going to give up 3rd downs here and there, but as a defense it's on us to eliminate how much more they can do with the drive.

Q. For a defense, how demoralizing is a play like the long touchdown right after you guys scored and seemed to have a little bit of juice there?

DEVIN MOORE: Yeah, it can definitely affect us a little bit, but that's why we play the game. We can't let it affect us. It's the next-play mentality. Figure out what went wrong on the play and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Q. Talk about you had some extra time with the weather delay. By then the defense was struggling a little bit. Was anything discussed during that delay to really try to improve what had been happening up to that point?

DEVIN MOORE: Yeah, for sure. The coaches had their iPads. They just went over with us what they were seeing, and like I said earlier, the coaches can put together the perfect game plan. They work countless hours on us. It's just on us as players -- for instance, in the run game, just to make those tackles, get off blocks, have gap integrity. Yeah, we went over some stuff during the lightning delay.

Q. You mentioned execution, and there's been some mistakes. There was obviously the holding on 4th down, the targeting near the end of the half, both of which led to touchdowns. As the season progresses, I know you said the coaching has been solid, so as players what specifically needs to happen, especially now heading on the road to prevent those mistakes from occurring again?

DEVIN MOORE: Yeah, I think Graham harped on it earlier. It's just the weekly process. You've got to lock yourself in the facility. Every little resource that's available, because the coaches provide so many for us, you've got to take full advantage of it, work countless hours for it, and just be able to go out there on Saturday and just apply it.

Q. A lot of missed tackles today. How concerning is that, and how do you get that fixed?

DEVIN MOORE: You know, it comes down to just execution. We work tackling drill every day, tackling stations every day in practice. It's just on us as players to if we've got to stay after and do some more, then that has to happen.

Q. Weigman was a game-time decision today. Did you feel you were as prepared as you should have had for a mobile quarterback and read?

DEVIN MOORE: Yeah, for sure. Our coaches, they looked at that during the week, the reports of him being questionable. Our scout team and just throughout practice, we were preparing for both quarterbacks to play. Like all the quarterback read game, all the quarterback keep game, we definitely prepared for that, too. We've just got to execute as players.

Q. What would you say to fans who question the direction of the program under Billy?

DEVIN MOORE: We've just got to keep going, keep just trusting us. We've got to stay together. It's not always going to be bright, sunny days, but you've got to ride out the rainstorms, and us as a team, we have to get better and just trust our coaching more and go out there and execute. It's really on us as the players. The players got to execute; that's why we play the game.

Q. When you hear all the criticism tonight, how do you guys process that?

DEVIN MOORE: You know, we know all the hard work Billy and the coaching staff puts in. Just going out there to fight for them. They take hours to put together a game plan. As players we need to kind of match their energy and intensity, put in all the hours they do, just so we can go out there and execute and avoid situations like that from happening.

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