PIF Saudi International powered by SoftBank Investment Advisers

Thursday, 5 December, 2024

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Golf Club

Khalid Attieh

Quick Quotes

Q. Well-played today, not the finish you wanted, but can you assess your round?

KHALID ATTIEH: Yeah, it was quite tough out there. I think I got a few unlucky breaks at the beginning of the round. I was able to find of fight through in the middle to get it back but yeah it was a tough finish.

But a lot of positives to take out of this week I think. Played with some top players and learning a lot about the experience at the end of the day. So I'm hoping for better finishes in the future.

Q. And you were the leading Saudi player, and so how does it feel this week to play with four of your National teammates?

KHALID ATTIEH: Yeah, it's great. We all work very hard to try and achieve the most out of our game.

So it's nice to see some of the Saudi players also posting some nice numbers and then hopefully we can definitely learn from this week and moving forward, try and compete against these big guys that are here this week.

It's been an awesome experience, and thanks to golf Saudi and the Saudi Federation for helping us out through this journey.

Q. What would you say you learned in particular off the top of my head?

KHALID ATTIEH: Not really off the top of my head, I can't say. But I'll take some time now to digest a little bit after the round. It's tough to say after I just finished. Dell digest the round and see how it goes and how we can improve and how we can move forward.

Q. What are your plans for 2025?

KHALID ATTIEH: Definitely going to be playing International Series. So that's very exciting.

And then we'll see. Hoping with the promotions in LIV Golf next week, you never know what might happen, even though there's only one spot.

Q. Same course?

KHALID ATTIEH: Same course. So had some practise on it. Let's see how it goes moving forward.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
151081-1-1003 2024-12-05 12:38:00 GMT

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