Raiders - 19, Jaguars - 14
Q. I realize this is getting to be old hat, but, again, looked like the effort was there but execution, penalties at the most inopportune time. Just talk about yet another frustrating afternoon.
DOUG PEDERSON: Yeah, you kind of summed it up. You're right, it's not for the lack of effort, physicality, all that. Those guys do play hard. But the mistakes, penalties, things that just held us back all season.
I think as coaches, players, it's the frustrating part. Until we get that corrected, obviously there's going to be a lot of long days. We've got to get it fixed.
Q. How contagious does the self-doubt, when you've been in these spots so many times and you don't come out on top, do you feel like there's a little bit of that going on?
DOUG PEDERSON: I'm sure there's some. I'm sure when a bad play happens or a penalty and it sets you back a little bit, I think maybe there's a little bit -- where we are in our season, I'm sure that creeps in -- guys are human. They're going to feel that. They're going to feel that emotion.
But it's the mental toughness. It's the grind. It's the grit, determination. And the guys show it and they have shown it, but we just haven't been able to overcome some of the setbacks.
Q. Is it hard to keep focus this time of year? And therefore do you get some of the pre-snap stuff and everything else that goes along with it?
DOUG PEDERSON: What do you mean by "this time of year"?
Q. In the situation you're in.
DOUG PEDERSON: I'm sure there's some of that. I'm sure, again, you're human and things haven't gone our way this season. And disappointing as that is, you're going to feel that emotion.
It's just something that, I think, everybody handles it a little bit differently. But it's that mental toughness we talk about, having that. And just trying to flush a negative play. Trying your best you can to move on from bad plays, mistakes, whatever it is. Trying to move on to the next play.
Q. In all of this, can you enjoy what Brian's doing right now? Maybe not five minutes after a game, but are you --
DOUG PEDERSON: Obviously it's a lot. I'm so happy for Brian. We talked last week. He's such a bright spot offensively and gives a thousand-plus yards and all of that. Just a kid that is so deserving, from the way he works to how he plays. And the load that we put on him, to go out, for a young player like that, to go out and perform like he does. So happy for him definitely a bright spot.
Q. Have you seen an easier touchdown bomb than you saw in this game, because clearly the cornerback thought he had safety help but he didn't?
DOUG PEDERSON: Probably busted coverage, looked like. And we needed a play, because I think B.T. dropped one earlier. And then we come back to him again and same type of thing and he makes the play. So it's the type of kid he is. But it's never an easy play, but we got help on that one.
Q. How difficult was all the pre-snap stuff? Granted the holding penalty on them, (indiscernible) at the end of the game. But at a point in the game there were four straight pre-snap penalties. The Raiders had two, then you followed with two offsides. You didn't get burned by it but it's still got to be disappointing.
DOUG PEDERSON: Those are the inconsistencies. I would say that Coach Pierce is probably saying the same thing with his team. But where we are as a football team and the type of year we've had, we just can't make those types of mistakes and expect to win. That probably goes without saying. It's hard to overcome and try to flush it and move on, I guess.
Q. (Indiscernible) turnovers, but how crazy is it, you guys just can't get one? It's been five full games.
DOUG PEDERSON: We had opportunities again today. Couple of balls were tipped and had chances, and that's part of it, too, creating the takeaways. And we had two huge costly turnovers.
But again, it's not for lack of effort and all that. But it's an area that just gotta keep working, keep working during the week at it. You've got to keep making an emphasis in game. You could see our guys punching the football, things of that nature. It's just not bouncing our way.
Q. Did you ever think you would see a day where punting from deep in his own end, Logan Cooke would have a 23-yard punt?
DOUG PEDERSON: Yeah, that one surprised me. I know he definitely would want that one back. But obviously we know Logan's a great punter, just uncharacteristic of him and his ability, but definitely a punt he'd like to have back.
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