Aramco Saudi Ladies International Presented by Public Investment Fund

Wednesday, 16 March, 2022

King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia

Royal Greens Golf & Country Club

Michele Thomson

Quick Quotes

Q. Is this your first season?

MICHELE THOMSON: No. I've been on Tour -- I turned pro in 2009. So I've been here the last three years we've been playing tournaments here. I've been on Tour a while now.

Q. What are your ambitions for the tournament? What are your preparations?

MICHELE THOMSON: I think my ambitions for the tournament would be -- I would love a top ten, I think. Obviously I'm not here to just make up the numbers. I would love obviously to win. Preparations are going well. I've played this course now almost 20 times, I think, with the events we've had here.

Yeah, just getting used to the course and the pace of the greens. The wind is a lot windier this year.

Q. How about the season in general? Anything in particular you're looking forward to?

MICHELE THOMSON: I would say -- obviously the season so far, I only had one event in Kenya, where I finished eighth, which was nice. It was a good start to the year. Obviously I'm looking forward to the Scottish Open, being from Scotland. And obviously all the Aramco Team Series events as well. So looking forward to it.

Q. Anything else you want to mention? Anything special?

MICHELE THOMSON: No, I'm just looking forward to a good week. Glad to be here.

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