ANNABEL DIMMOCK: So my experience?
Q. Yes.
ANNABEL DIMMOCK: I had so much fun playing with the girls. I think it's amazing, as obviously I coached her two years ago, to see her on the course today and so much more improved. It's really nice to see that. All the things that Aramco and Golf Saudi are doing are really helping.
It's amazing to see girls, fun, cool, pretty girls playing golf in Saudi, and seeing them enjoy it means a lot.
Q. What do you think the golf course -- with the Ladies First Club, what do you think of the initiative? How is it important to Saudi?
ANNABEL DIMMOCK: It's amazing. Today just shows all the work they're doing there is really paying off because we have three ladies that are great golfers and enjoy it on the course. It just shows the hard work that they're doing, it's paying off. Yeah, and we had so much fun out there.
I would love to see, each time that we come back to Saudi, more and more girls getting involved in the program and then being able to come on the course and play with us.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports