Q. Talk about your hole-in-one.
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: Oh, it was very good. It was a good ball. I just hit my iron 8, and it was just trades, and the ball carried the green and went in five metres after.
Q. What was the distance? Do you know how far? I think you said it was 1.4 yards.
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: Metres, it's 1.32.
Q. Was the wind behaving? Were you into the wind?
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: The right direction.
Q. It was blowing from the right? It was sending the ball right?
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: Actually, the wind helps the ball to go in the hole.
Q. And did you celebrate?
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: Yeah, with sparkling water (laughter).
Q. That's the only way to do it here.
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: Sometimes you're lucky when you play golf, and sometimes -- it's golf, you know. It's good, but we know it's not every day like that.
Q. You mentioned earlier you got two other holes-in-one?
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: Maybe my fourth. I don't remember.
Q. Is this your first one in professional golf?
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: I have one in Belgium.
Q. Would this be your first as an LET professional?
CHARLOTTE LIAUTIER: Yes, it's my first one.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports