Aramco Saudi Ladies International Presented by Public Investment Fund

Friday, 18 March, 2022

King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia

Royal Greens Golf & Country Club

Stephanie Kyriacou

Quick Quotes

Q. Steph, very well played, 6-under today. Obviously yesterday, let's talk a little bit about that first. We saw you trying to play out there. You were shooting into a serious sandstorm. First of all, tell me what it was like playing out there yesterday.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: At the start of the round, it actually wasn't that windy, but as we got onto our 8th hole, it started picking up. Because of the direction of the wind, we caught back all the sand, and it was just not fun at all. It was really hard. It was about 40 Ks. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's pretty windy when you're trying to play golf.

Q. Normally golf is better in the wind, but with the sand as well, it was getting in your eyes. Did that ruin your concentration?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: It was just annoying really. Every time I'd look up, if I didn't have sunnies -- so every time I'd look up, something is going in my eye. I went home, there's dust in my ears, my nose. It's disgusting.

Q. Taking that into account, how pleased were you with your round yesterday? 3-over, was it yesterday?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, 3-over. When I look back, 3-over's not a bad score. At the time, I hit some shots, and I was just like that was so dumb. So like in the round, I was like oh, no, but overall it's all right.

Q. Today obviously the wind's dropped. There's no sand in your eyes. You've gone out there, and you sort of took the course apart at 6-under today. Obviously, the wind and the sand made a difference, but was there anything else that you were doing differently you're more pleased with?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Not really. I mean, I hit good shots yesterday, but they would finish like 30 metres away from the pin. I hit good shots today. Because there wasn't much wind, I could actually hit them close and give myself chances.

Q. You find yourself back into contention now. Obviously the wind is getting up again. I guess you're going to sit back and hope it's really, really windy this afternoon?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: No, I wouldn't wish that on my fellow competitors, just like maybe a little bit (Laughter).

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