Q. You're obviously participating in the clinic, teaching all these girls. How do you feel about it, and how do you think it's important?
GHIZLAN SAKI: It's really exciting for them. I see all the ladies today, like there are a lot at registration. They come, you see a driving range with a lot of people and a lot of ladies. All the ladies are like happy. There are some people this is the first time they play golf and there are some people they try before. It's really good. It's really exciting.
Q. Obviously a lot of those girls are Saudi girls, Arab girls. Do you think those type of activities will help drive or interest them in golf?
GHIZLAN SAKI: Of course. Of course. Like if there are people coming to this event just interested for the golf -- for example if you have like 10 trying golf, there are two or three that will come again. This is the minimum. It's really good.
Q. Today is ladies' day; what do you think is special about ladies' day? What do you say to all those girls attending today?
GHIZLAN SAKI: Please come and try golf. If there are some of the ladies that didn't come and didn't try golf, please come and try golf. The first thing is this is really a good sport. The second thing is all these activities are free, so please come and try golf.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports