Aramco Saudi Ladies International Presented by Public Investment Fund

Tuesday, 11 October, 2022

King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia

Royal Greens Golf & Country Club

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. So we have something in common, and I'm not arch athlete, you're from Ireland and it's obviously not where we are from but I'm a twin. Me and my twin do not do anything similar so it's amazing you guys both play golf. Did you do that growing up?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, we are pretty similar. We look pretty similar. We dressed alike when we were younger. We both went to Duke and both played golf. Pretty much anything she did I did. She was older, so I just kind of tagged along with whatever she wanted.

Q. Did you guys switch roles and play pranks on people?

LEONA MAGUIRE: We could when we were in school. We had uniforms when we were in school. It was easy. A lot of the teachers didn't know the difference.

Q. So do you miss her on the course?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, she travelled a bit with me in the summer which was nice. Got to come to some events. It's a little different not having her out here but I saw her when I was home last week, so that was nice.

Q. Was there a little bit of pressure when you were both playing?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Oh, we were definitely competitive. We still are. It didn't matter if it was golf or whatever it was. It was always a little bit of competition but it made us better probably without realizing it.

Q. What's it like being part of the Aramco Team Series?

LEONA MAGUIRE: This is my first one. Excited to see what it's all about. It's obviously a lovely venue this week and always nice to be part of a team.

Q. I'm from New York and I've never been here, and it's like being in a whole different place. It's absolutely gorgeous. What's it like playing here?

LEONA MAGUIRE: It kind of looks a little linksy and a little Irish feel to it. Weather is a little nicer but the views of New York are incredible, and the bridges, and obviously a big Irish community in New York so hopefully there will be some fans out to support this week.

Hopefully there will be some big crowds, especially on the weekend, and the bigger crowd you have cheering you on, the better.

Q. Being on a team, are there more nerves going into this event?

LEONA MAGUIRE: You always try to do as well as you possibly can. When your teammates are relying on you a little bit more, you want to do even better. We are just going to have fun and enjoy it as much as you can, and the more you enjoy it, usually the better you play.

Q. And do you have a playlist or anything that you listen to before you get on the course?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Not really. I'm not a big music person. I don't listen to music on the range before I go out but I'm a big fan of some Irish artists, Dermot Kennedy and big Lady Gaga fan.

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