Aramco Saudi Ladies International Presented by Public Investment Fund

Thursday, 16 February, 2023

King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia

Royal Greens Golf & Country Club

Pajaree Anannarukarn

Quick Quotes

Q. Pajaree, really well done the first round here. How did you find this morning playing on Royal Greens?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: I mean, I was actually really in the zone starting off since the first hole. Did not expect the first birdie. It's about like eight yards putt for birdie, and, yeah, made a really good stroke there.

Just keeping a really good momentum going forward, so make four straight birdies. Just a really good start. Then I just really come in there and try to play one shot at a time.

Q. What would you say the strongest part of your game was today?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Definitely my putting. Just really tried to get the speed good enough, and it turned out great today. Really grateful for that.

Q. And obviously you played in the morning and got a little bit windier towards the end of the round, but it was better conditions than this afternoon.


Q. Did you know you had to take advantage?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Yeah, definitely playing in the morning wave, especially my first time here. But a lot of players said it gets really windy in the afternoon. Obviously I played the practice round in the afternoon. It was really windy, so obviously just try to go low if you could and then that would be great for the morning wave.

And then just again tomorrow, afternoon, just try to play your game and try to just be patient.

Q. I know obviously you said it's your first time playing here. Did you speak to Jeeno before about playing here?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: She said it was a great course, fun track, great layout. She loves playing here obviously. Despite the fact that it's really windy, we're all really enjoying it. It's true that it's a nice course.

Q. And is it good to start your season here with her and kind of be back on the LET? Obviously played a couple events.

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Yeah, it's great to be back playing and meeting LET players out here as well. It's been a great, you know, week so far, so looking forward to have a great few days forward.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129059-1-1041 2023-02-16 10:15:00 GMT

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