Q. Aditi, a round of 69. You held your own. Wasn't the fireworks from yesterday's round, but you've got to be pleased that you're in a position to strike once again.
ADITI ASHOK: Yes, definitely. I think I hit it good today, created a lot of birdie chances. Just didn't hole as many putts as the first two days, but still happy with my game. Hopefully I can hit it as good tomorrow but hole more putts.
Q. Not sure what the wind is going to do tomorrow, but it was a very different golf course today. Even though the wind is not up, there are hole locations in difficult positions. Sometimes it's hard to get close.
ADITI ASHOK: Yeah, I think today was I guess kind of hard because wind direction changed. We've played this course I think northwest usually, but today felt like it was three, four different directions through the round.
Yeah, that was challenging, trusting that wind, but I think I did okay. I hit a few good shots in there.
Q. You certainly did. 3-under par, very much in contention, only trailing by two. How lovely is it having your dad out there and how much of a help was he today?
ADITI ASHOK: Yeah, it was good actually. I mean, today I was not holing many birdie putts, so halfway around he was like, stay patient; you're hitting the ball really good.
Just hearing that from your caddie, because I'm getting disappointed through the round, so it was just nice to get a bit of pick-me-up and then finish with a couple birdies.
That was good.
Q. Yeah, and thoughts going into tomorrow's round? It's the power-packed leaderboard, but you're right up there, and it's a 2023 that started so beautifully for you. What do you have to do tomorrow?
ADITI ASHOK: Obviously I think everyone is going to try and go low. Depends on the wind and what the course does. Like you said, it's a pretty strong field and strong up there, so, yeah, just going to try and do my best and make as many birdies as I can.
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