Q. After shooting a very good opening round of 15-under par, Caroline, how were the team? Were they well behaved today?
CAROLINE HEDWALL: I'm really pleased with my team. I mean, this was a really great team effort today. We all had some bad holes, but we never dropped a shot today and that was quite incredible. It was great. I mean, had a lot of fun out there. Really happy with my team.
Q. Excellent. Now Virginia, it was quite swirling conditions. It's a long golf course. It's a good thing that you bomb it off the tee, because that would've helped.
VIRGINIA ELENA CARTA: Yes, it is a lovely golf course, I must say, so it's very challenging. But as a team, as Caroline said, we just did so well and complemented each other, so that really helped.
Q. Your mom was on the bag. Was she looking after all you today?
VIRGINIA ELENA CARTA: Sure. She survived.
Q. Well you seem to have survived a round with Hannah Burke. Hannah, there was a cheeky eagle out there today on the 11th. Very well played. That certainly helped the complexion of the team's scorecard?
HANNAH BURKE: It did, yeah, yeah. Good little hole-out on 11, so it was good. Yeah, Caroline just told me to hole it, so I thought I would do as I was told and just put it in.
Q. You're very well behaved.
HANNAH BURKE: I know, which is unknown for me. (Laughter.)
Q. And to your amateur, Xinyu, you're just 16 years old. How did you cope playing with these three? Was it a great experience?
XINYU CAO: I was a little bit nervous like first hole, but change a little bit. (Plane interference.)
Q. She's good, Hannah. Very good. Give us a pose of like a winning team at the halfway mark. How are you going to look?
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