Q. You chose Krista (Bakker), so getting the band back together?
WHITNEY HILLIER: Yeah, she's got good vibes and she's playing well, too, so that's why I chose her.
Q. Is that one of the things that's great about at ram could he team series is that it brings together players you might not have played with before, and now you can have a relationship for life and now you're choosing her to play again?
WHITNEY HILLIER: Yeah, absolutely, we get on together so well anyway and I just met li SA as well last night, good player, so excited to play tomorrow.
Q. Anything new? You're the in-form team. You think you can be the first team to go back-to-back?
WHITNEY HILLIER: You never know. See who the amateur is, as well.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports