Q. Congratulations 9-under for the tournament. Are you happy? Can you give us an assessment?
HAYLEY DAVIS: Really happy. Played solid out today, lots of birdies. Didn't have the best day as a team yesterday. I think we went out there today and tried to come back and that's what we did today.
Q. Plenty of sun hotter today, was it like that this morning and how did the golf course play?
HAYLEY DAVIS: Yeah, it was hot out there, not as hot but starting at 7.10 it was quite nice and then when we saw the tee times, we knew this was a good time to get and we'll be in before it gets too hot.
Wind started to pick up a little bit but we got a very good time in the first probably 12 holes, we didn't really have much wind. Golf course is playing similar to yesterday. A few tough pins out on the slopes which might get harder now that the wind is picking up but now the golf course is playing great.
Q. You're playing more Rose Series events than LET events, with this format, what were your expectations?
HAYLEY DAVIS: I've been playing really well at the moment. Obviously the Rose Series are great events for us to play in, close to home, not much travel. But I've been playing really solid. I really like the Aramco Team Series events; brings out the best in my game. Everything I've been working hard on in my game seems to be paying off.
Q. Individually still doing well in the tournament, and now the team event is over and you have another shootout tomorrow. Does your strategy remain the same or will you make amendments going into tomorrow?
HAYLEY DAVIS: No, same strategy. Just really working hard on the shot in front of me at the moment. Just going to stick to that. It's worked the last couple days so hopefully the same tomorrow.
Q. Why do you feel the Aramco events are suited for you or you're suited to them?
HAYLEY DAVIS: I love team golf. Playing for like England, GB&I, played at college in America, you get used to playing team stuff. And now that it's all individual and now we get the chance to occasionally play in this team stuff, it's great. It's not something we get very often.
Had a really good day today, and the wind picked up, so hopefully top 10 might be a good finish for us as a team.
Q. Breeze suddenly appeared --
HAYLEY DAVIS: I wasn't actually sure the wind was picking up but my caddie said to me it's going to start to pick up but we should get in before it picks up too much. The last few holes it did pick up quite a lot and now it's getting more and more. I think from what it sounded like it should stay like this.
Q. Am I right in saying you were on the Rose?
HAYLEY DAVIS: I won two of them.
Q. Did you finish on the Order of Merit?
HAYLEY DAVIS: They didn't have one this year. Just four or five individual events.
Q. Has that confidence bled into this week?
HAYLEY DAVIS: I played in South Africa before the Rose events and I think I was tied 11th in South Africa, and that sort of gave me the confident. I've been working really hard over the winter and last year was my first main year on TOUR. The first year was but there wasn't that many events.
I feel more comfortable out there and I'm just sort of trusting my game that I can compete, and yeah, the Rose Series definitely helped but I've had a few good finishes on the LET now, a tied 11 and 14, and another good event maybe. I'm just happy with my game, just keep working hard and hopefully keep getting the results.
Q. Can you win this tomorrow? You are going to be in the mix?
HAYLEY DAVIS: To be honest, I need to because my niece has a football tournament at two o'clock, and now that I've played well, I'm going to miss the fairway and that's the only way my niece will accept me not being there.
Q. A few specifics in terms of putts and birdies?
HAYLEY DAVIS: I've been hitting it really close. Of the top of my head I don't think I really rolled in long putts. I know that I hit a few like inside six feet. I think the par 5s, my score has been pretty good the last few days.
I think there's a couple par 5s you can go for in two and there's a couple that you could go for but I'm still sticking to my game plan that I can trust my pitching, so I'm not necessarily taking on all the par 5s.
Q. So your iron game and around the green, tidying the par 5s if you need to get up-and-down?
HAYLEY DAVIS: Yeah, make sure I'm doing a lot of short game practise, but if you miss the greens sometimes they can be in a tough spot.
So yeah, I'm just going to go and have lunch, do a bit more practise and chill ready for tomorrow really.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports