Aramco Team Series - London Round Two

Friday, 17 June, 2022

London, England, United Kingdom

Royal Greens Golf and Country Club

Joan Ible

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you talk about how much you've enjoyed this experience of training with Hannah?

JOAN IBLE: It's it's brilliant because my son plays golf and I've never had an interest in playing for years. I usually drop him off at the club.

With Hannah, the difference is I was actually able to hit the ball. I couldn't do it, and the way they explained how to do it just connected. So ever since then, I've just started practising. I love it.

Q. Do you think you'll be training with why your son now?

JOAN IBLE: That's part of the plan because he's actually very good. So I took him, it's a natural gift that he has, so I do hope the passion will come later on so at least we can play together. That's the plan. Not so sure whether a 15-year-old boy is going to be playing with his Mum but that is the plan.

I used to take him to the range and say do this, and do that, whereas now I have more respect for the game and understand it's not as easy as it looks. Even that alone, the way I communicate with him, I've changed, because I'm getting to understand more what the game is about.

Yeah, I do love it.

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