Aramco Team Series - Spain Round Three

Thursday, 18 August, 2022

Sotogrande, San Roque, Spain

La Reserva Club

Leonie Harm

Quick Quotes

Q. So tell us what happened at the start and how you managed to keep control and come back so well.

LEONIE HARM: I mean, control is a relative term. So I was struggling really bad in my warmup because it was like dark, pitch black dark for the putting green, and I was already like, this is really uncomfortable, so I stayed at the putting green than I usually would, so I had like less time on the range.

Then there was like brutal wind up the left on the range, which was just an uncomfortable wind, and then I wasn't really hitting it all that well.

And then that tee shot on 10 is, in my opinion, the hardest tee shot out there, so having that as a first, I was like, oh, Jesus Christ. So, I, come on, pull yourself together, and I didn't pull myself together.

So I step up to the bunker and I was like, Okay, this is fine, this is fine, this is fine. I get my 4-iron, snap hooked it in the water, dropped it, chunked it, two-putt, whatever.

Next hole, I don't know what happened with this tee shot. It was like short and right, and then I chunked it shorted right. I actually hit a pretty good pitch and I still didn't make the putt. I was like, okay, cool.

Next tee shot, I don't know what happened there. It just barely moved forward and I was like, Oh, my God, Leo, like stop. And then I hit like this wonderful like 6-iron, just like tracking on the flag and I made birdie there.

And I was like, you know what? If this is good for anything, like at least for this format, like even if you do have some high scores like you can contribute birdies, right?

So I was just kind of taking it one hole at a time. Obviously you always try to do that, but it is like, okay, if I make a bogey it's fine, whatever, just try and give yourself some looks.

Actually had a fantastic chip in on the 18th, like my 9th hole, and I haven't chipped in in a tournament, an actual chip in a tournament since 2019, so this is my first professional chip-in. I'm just going to put this here because this is really important.

Q. You were due one.

LEONIE HARM: That obviously gave me some momentum, and I picked up some more birdies on the back nine.

And then on 17, which was like the second-most uncomfortable tee shot out here, I already am -- I'm not even trying to cut the corner. I'm just like, go left, it's fine.

Sliced my 3-wood and nobody saw it down, like not in the water, not in the rocks, not like the grass. But if I drop, like then I can -- if it's up there I can.

So I'm walking all the way up there to find my ball's in the rocks, but dry on the other side.

So I'm removing we're talking boulders without my ball moving, which was great. And then I still had that wall ahead of me. It was like, all right, just flop it; you can do this.

Almost chip in there for par, so it was of one of those bogeys you're like, All right, we take it. This could have been nine.


Q. Was that No. 8? (Hole 17.)

LEONIE HARM: Yes, No. 8, exactly. So, yeah, it was just a lot.

But I did make some really cool golf shots. I made some long putts.

So overall, can't complain about the score. Really can't. Like with the quality of like long shots I hit, didn't leave much out there.

Q. You sound quite exhausted by the whole experience.

LEONIE HARM: It was a grind. Like, this golf course is pretty hilly as it is and obviously it's sunny, so today we had less wind, which makes it easier to play, but harder to walk because it's hotter.

So, yeah, it was one of those. It's like, all right, pull yourself together. We can get through this. It was fun though. My team's amazing. They're like sweet, and our amateur today -- so it was a bit of a switch, so we were supposed to play with her daughter first and she didn't get here. It was a whole mixup in the morning.

It was like, okay, whatever. She was an absolute sweetheart, probably the coolest am -- I don't know if you can print this -- one of the coolest amateurs I've had so far, so it was really wonderful with her.

Even though she was a bit nervous on the front nine, she still contributed twice on the back, so that was really cool for her also, too I hope to like lift the team spirit.

Yeah, I'm just excited to get some practice done, and then maybe hit some more quality golf shots tomorrow and who knows about the scorecard.

Q. At least you won't have to be practice putting in the dark tomorrow because a you're late tee time.

LEONIE HARM: That's very true. That is very true. And the funny thing is, I played European Nations Cup here seven years ago. That was the last time I've been here. I had a tee time at 8 a.m. in February and the sun rose at like 8:30 or something, so the first tee shot was actually in complete pitch blackness. I was like, this looks so familiar, déjà vu.

I'm like, at least my tee shot is in the light. But maybe back then that was like 10 was 1, so like we all tee'd up there. But maybe would've been better not to see on this hole because like you don't really like this out of bounds (indiscernible) right come really close. I'm kidding.

Q. Well done today. Good recovery, good fight back.

LEONIE HARM: Thank you, thank you.

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