Q. Pia, you're in contention with one round remaining; on the front page of the leaderboard; a different golf course today.
PIA BABNIK: Yeah, was really windy today. It was completely different play. Yeah, it was hard to play.
Q. But you know what? You got a chance. Who knows what can happen over the final 18 holes. Your distance has to be a huge weapon. How far can you fly the golf ball with your driver?
PIA BABNIK: Usually 240 meters, but right now I'm not driving that far because I'm more like straight, so it doesn't go that far.
Q. But you're only 18 years old and can fly the ball that far. It's incredible. I know you started playing golf at three. When did you play your first tournament?
PIA BABNIK: When I was four and a half.
Q. Everybody from the media is shaking their head in disbelief at how young and how good you could be. You must be loving your life as a professional golfer, because what a time it is to be a female in the professional game.
PIA BABNIK: Yeah, it's really nice. I really enjoy it.
Q. What are you going to have to do tomorrow? What's the thinking going into the final round?
PIA BABNIK: Well, tomorrow is also going to be breezy, so my focus is just going to be keep hit the fairway, green, and then make chances, and we'll see.
Q. How important is it for you to have a big finish this week? You're in touching distance. Obviously Jess is well clear, but you're in touching distance. What will be your ambitions going on the tomorrow, your targets?
PIA BABNIK: Well, just to play good because tomorrow is going to be breezy, so it's really going to be important to hit fairway, hit the green, and, yeah, we'll see where it goes.
Q. And just as high as you can is kind of the end game at the moment? That's the ambition tomorrow, just finish as high as you can on that leaderboard?
PIA BABNIK: Yeah, just play good golf, and whenever you're happy the result is also good.
Q. Has Jess kind of blown the field apart, do you think, at 15-under?
PIA BABNIK: Yeah, she's playing really good. So, yeah, it's great to see that it's possible. So, yeah.
Q. Nice to see the Korda Sisters playing Aramco and on the Ladies European Tour?
PIA BABNIK: Yeah, of course. It's always good to have competition as they are, so, yeah, really happy that they are here.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports