Q. Got off to a quick start, talk about the momentum you were able to build from that start?
ALICE HEWSON: We got off to a hot start, rolled some good putts in pretty early and I think we dovetailed really well as a team. One person would make a bogey and another would make a birdie. We just did really well coming together as a team.
Q. Talk about the scoring conditions today from yesterday. It was quite a difference.
ALICE HEWSON: It was a lot more pleasant for sure. A little bit colder this morning but it was great. I had a good time with my teammates today.
Q. And you took advantage with a 68?
ANNE VAN DAM: Yeah, happy to putt in a good score and contribute to the team, like Alice was saying, we all made birdies and all had our bogeys.
Q. Did you have a number in mind this morning? Right now you're tied for the lead.
DANIELA HOLMQVIST: It's hard to have a number in mind, especially so cold this morning. It is a tough course and when the wind starts blowing, it is a championship course, but we just have a good team spirit and kept on pushing through. Just going to help each other out if someone is in trouble.
Q. Do you feel any extra pressure?
ERIC BRUNNETT: It is unbelievable. They are all so amazing, such great golfers, so smooth, so good. It's just an honor.
Q. Talk about the waiting game now.
ALICE HEWSON: Yeah, there are a lot of people left to come. In the wind seems to have been died do you know a bit which is unfortunate. We'll just wait and do our own thing, and, yeah, see where we are at at the end of the day.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports