Q. A positive week, you threatened a bit there on the last there with some birdies coming in?
ANNE VAN DAM: Yeah, for sure. I got off to a hot start with two eagle which is was really nice. Very unfortunately dropped a few down the last few holes but yeah another top 10 in the Aramco Series.
Q. You must be pleased with your performance the last few months?
ANNE VAN DAM: For sure, yeah. Just a matter of doing it over and over again.
Q. What are the main things you've been doing differently?
ANNE VAN DAM: Just a lot less technical. Just a lot more just playing, instead of trying to be too perfect sometimes, and that's been really, really crucial.
Q. Looking forward to Jeddah in a few weeks, a course you know very well?
ANNE VAN DAM: Yeah, I'm excited to come back. I played well in the beginning of the year. Excited to be going to Jeddah.
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