Q. So how did this happen? What's your history with wine.
DANI HOLMQVIST: I always liked wine, but the reason why I did it is because I was playing really well one year and played the Blue Bay event in China on the LPGA; got injured pretty badly between two holes in a cart accident. I had to get a back procedure and I needed to do something in the down time, so either flying helicopters or studying wine.
I felt like this way I can pick my crashes a little bit better than the helicopter. So I did skip level one and I did level two right away, and after that I said never again, and then now level three.
Q. Wow. So you have to have a fairly discriminating palate, and that's just something you're born with. Have you known you've always had that?
DANI HOLMQVIST: I think it's so much studying. You can kind of cheat a little bit if you can know what kind of grape varietal it is. You can know what to look for a little bit. For instance if you know it's something with a Cab Sauv, you're going to have more blackberries, things like that. You kind of pick it out that way.
I wouldn't say I'm like fantastic with the blind tasting, but it's just a work in progress and just got taste a lot of wine.
Q. Now, have you put this into practice at all? Have you gone and worked with a chef to do any pairings or anything?
DANI HOLMQVIST: I've just done it for fun with friends. I don't plan to work with it, but I just always think it's interesting to learn things and always been interested in wine.
So I might do a wine dinner or something just with some friends who has a restaurant or something like that. Yeah, it's always interesting.
Q. See, if it's me and I'm injured, I'm going to say, well, I can either read a couple books or learn ping-pong. Flying a helicopter would never be a question. Why those two options?
DANI HOLMQVIST: Ping-pong would be good for the short game because I feel like all the guys that do ping-pong are good putters, too.
I think it's cool, especially with women who are accomplished and can do things, especially things that might be a lot of guys that do. I think it's just cool. I think helicopters are cool. I was thinking of planes, too. I just I don't like when you're so dialed in with the flight map and have to plan so much ahead.
The freedom with the helicopter was appealing, and then you read is much about crashes and best pilots in the world can still not avoid it sometimes. Feel like wine was the safer option.
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