Epson Tour Championship

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

LPGA International, Jones Course

Gabby Lemieux

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you just tell me how Epson has made an impact this year on the game of golf?

GABBY LEMIEUX: I think just on a Tour standpoint, they're the ones who's really pushing us to get to the next level. Without them, we wouldn't have a Tour. I mean, that's really all that we can say. It's just a big thanks to letting us professional golfers come out here and play.

Q. Comparing years past to this year, what are some of the main differences that you've seen from their sponsorship?

GABBY LEMIEUX: I'd say honestly, I feel like the involvement with Epson has been like outstanding. Like I don't remember years past there ever being a whole bunch of Symetra people that came in and like hung out with us. So it was nice to have a whole tournament -- well, scramble, I guess, event getting to know the Epson people and getting to know them. I think from their standpoint they get to see what they're investing their money in. I think just relationship-wise, it's great. Just all their help, that's really all we can ask for.

Q. What do you hope to see in the future, whether that's the near future or in the long-term for the game of women's golf thanks to Epson?

GABBY LEMIEUX: I mean, I think they got their foot in the door right now. Everything that they're doing for the Tour this year has been just -- I don't even know what to put into words for it. It's just been an incredible experience this year, and I can't imagine what they're going to do in the years to come.

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