Epson Tour Championship

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

LPGA International, Jones Course

Lindsey McCurdy

Quick Quotes

Q. What does it mean to you to be playing golf in Florida this week after Hurricane Ian came through?

LINDSEY McCURDY: I mean, it's pretty incredible. I was kind of having my doubts just because I knew everything that was going on around here, so I'm just super grateful that we're here.

Q. Some of the golf course staff, they were suffering through the hurricane. They lost some of their stuff, still struggling personally, but they've been out here every day since they could kind of clearing up the course, making sure it was in condition to play. What does that mean to you and the rest of the Tour?

LINDSEY McCURDY: The fact that they've been going through this, this is their home and they have their own stuff to worry about and yet they're still here for us is amazing and super selfless, and we're so appreciative of that. I mean, they could just be worrying about what they have going on at home, and the fact that they're still super welcoming to us is incredible.

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