Epson Tour Championship

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

LPGA International, Jones Course

Jiwon Jeon

Quick Quotes

Q. So the question I wanted to ask was more kind of in depth of going into this week. You are pretty up there. There is a chance of that top 10. What's going on in your mind? How are you prepping or maybe trying to stay present?

JIWON JEON: Yeah, so this is our last event of Epson Tour and I'm ranked 34th right now, so I still have a chance to be in top 10 like after this week.

But, you know, I was not -- I was try not to think about the ranking system. I just wanted to play my best of golf since it's the last event of the year. So I just want to hit every shot and I want to appreciate like hitting every shots on the course this week.

I'm just really trying to enjoy the course. Thankfully we have a really good condition of golf this week, so I'm very looking forward to it.

I actually went to school in Daytona, so I -- this course is very familiar to me, so I'm very excited to play my home course in the States.

Q. Oh, that's awesome. How have you been prepping or maybe just staying present, calm, from the last few weeks? I know we've had a four-week stretch.


Q. You've been playing great golf, too. How do you just remember those good shots and then also remembering this is still another tournament?

JIWON JEON: Uh-huh. So we play three weeks straight and this is our fourth week. I've been playing pretty good so far and I -- which I'm gaining more confidence throughout three weeks, and I'm very confident with my golf game right now.

So I just try, really try hard to keep calm and, you know, try to be relaxed. Can be very anxious going into the last week, and then I still have chance going up, but at the same time, I rather choose to be more calm and more enjoyable time of the week.

And also this week I just practice what I used to do. I was not trying to do something more or something else. I just been working on what I've been worked on.

So this is what I'm going to do for today, and next four days is a new day, so I want to really focus on each shot and then just play my game on the course.

Q. Is your dad going to be caddieing for you this week?


Q. How is he feeling?

JIWON JEON: Well, I think he's ready to go home right now. We're actually flying back to Korea on Monday, so we both are very excited to go home.

But we have a job before we go, so, you know, we want to really have fun on the course together, because it will be his last caddieing, yeah, job probably in the near future.

Yeah, we just want to have a fun time father and daughter time.

Q. That's so cute.

JIWON JEON: Yeah, have fun on the course together and I think we'll have a good chance.

Q. How do you guys not get homesick being away from Korea? How do you stay present? I know you have a job playing golf.

JIWON JEON: I'm pretty sure my dad has a little bit of homesick, but he never shows that because -- I think it's because he's father. He always want to take care of me.

We always trying to cook some Korean food. Try not to be homesick. You know, we call my mom like every day pretty much. Just, you know, just keep updated what's going on in Korea.

But he knows that he's going to be here for three months so he was okay. I'm okay, too because I was very focused on this season and very short season for me because I only played four month of Epson Tour.

So we were having fun and then there is a lot of controversy going on on us, but we got through all of the bad times. (Laughter.)

Now we're very happy that we get to spend some time together. This is last week, again, and we're going to have fun.

Q. Do you think your bond, father/daughter bond, has strengthened throughout the season?

JIWON JEON: Yeah, we don't fight as much as what other people does. It's just always me get angry at him. (Laughter.)

Q. Classic.

JIWON JEON: He's like good father. He takes everything. Yeah. But, yeah, I mean, we really didn't get to spend so much time together in the past because I was living away from home since when I was 16.

So, yeah, I was in Australia and the States, so it's probably the first time in, I don't know, like seven years, yeah, having some father and daughter time together.

Q. A lot of catching up to do.

JIWON JEON: Yeah, there is a lot. He thinks I'm still a high school senior.

Q. All dads.

JIWON JEON: Yeah. It's very fun, again.

Q. Should be a great time.

JIWON JEON: Yeah. Very excited.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
125465-1-1041 2022-10-06 16:45:00 GMT

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