Q. So fantastic round.
Q. Can you walk me through it. What went well today?
MADDI CALDWELL YOUNG: I wish I didn't to have say this, but I missed a lot of putts. I'm actually going to go work on my putting a little bit. I hit the ball really well and gave myself a lot of opportunities.
I did the par-5s really well today. Got most of them at least close into, and then was able to chip and make a putt or two-putt for a birdie or something like that.
So it was a good round.
Q. Awesome. And then walking off the green bogey-free, how did that feel?
MADDI CALDWELL YOUNG: It's good. It's my second one this year. I would like to do a little more of those. Yeah, it feels good.
Q. And then right now tied for best round of the day so far. I know there is still the afternoon wave and three more days of golf, but how does it feel having that momentum heading into tomorrow?
MADDI CALDWELL YOUNG: It feels good. I've had some struggles this year capitalizing on my good rounds, so I'm going to focus on trying to do that tomorrow.
Q. And then kind of going off that, how do you prepare and go home and reset for tomorrow and the rest of the weekend?
MADDI CALDWELL YOUNG: I'm going to go home and do some recovery, eat some good food, rest, and come out her in the afternoon. I've been battling a little bit of a leg injury for -- well, almost a year now.
But it seems to be getting worse and I think the overuse -- I need to make sure I prioritize rest for sure.
Q. And then last question: Obviously a hurricane just came through the state of Florida. The golf course staff has been out here hour after hour getting the course ready for you guys. How do you think the course played considering the circumstances?
MADDI CALDWELL YOUNG: It's amazing. Honestly, I'm shocked at how good it is. It really is. They're done an amazing job getting it ready. I've heard from girls it's better than in years past, so thank you hurricane.
I don't know. It's awesome.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports