Q. All right, I'm here with Carly Cox after her first round at the Epson Tour Championship. Great round out there. Can you just walk me through what kind of clicked today?
CARLEY COX: Honestly, just hit some close approach shots and made a few clutch putts. Like hit a really good shot into 18 and was able to eagle that. I think that gave me some really good momentum going into the back nine.
Had to play conservative on a few just because of the wind, but was aggressive when I could be and when it was a good number. Yeah, made some good putts.
Q. And compared to last few times playing out here, too, was that some of the things that were different this time around?
CARLEY COX: Yeah, I think the wind is a little bit stronger today than we've seen in years past as far as like the morning round being windy like all day; usually kicks up in the afternoon.
So, yeah, just it's playing pretty similar otherwise. The greens are pretty soft, and so when you have a good number and you feel like you can be aggressive, I think that's a green light for sure.
Q. And you bested your best score out here by two shots.
Q. I don't know if you know that.
CARLEY COX: I did not know that, but yes.
Q. Fun tidbit there.
CARLY COX: There you go.
Q. Anything you'll work on to prepare for tomorrow?
CARLEY COX: I may go hit a few balls, but not too much. Conserving the energy this late in the season. With it being four rounds, probably just relax some this afternoon.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports