Q. Got a pretty cool situation here in the bag this week. Fellow Epson Tour player, friend, Hannah drove from Texas, Monday qualifying to go out here and be on the bag for Epson Tour Championship.
What does it mean to have somebody on the bag that's a friend and make that sacrifice?
KATHLEEN SCAVO: Yeah, it's really great. Hannah has caddied for me a couple times this year. It's really nice to have her on the bag. She helps keep me nice and relaxed, and we always -- it's always a fun time with Hannah.
She's really outgoing and great person, and, I mean, it's just amazing that she would do something like that to drive 14 hours from Lufkin, Texas. But if you know Hannah, she's a great friend and a great person. I feel so fortunate to have someone like her.
Q. Make people cry over here. Tell me about the drive. That's a heck of a thing. Grind on a Monday qualifier and get in the car and go. I guess that's what Epson Tour life is like.
HANNAH ARNOLD: Yeah, I would say it just comes with the territory. I'm not the only one that drives long distances out here. I'm just one of the few girls that do it. I unfortunately didn't sleep very well that night, so woke up at 3:00 and just left at 3:30 because I was like, whatever, Ill just leave. I'm awake.
Like I said, my longest drive this year was from South Bend to Oregon, so 14 hours isn't really that big of a deal.
Q. How long have you two known each other? What's the relationship like?
KATHLEEN SCAVO: We've known each other through -- we met on the WAPT.
HANNAH ARNOLD: And Q-School. Played first stage together.
KATHLEEN SCAVO: We played first stage together in 2019. We played the first stage of Q-School. I didn't know Hannah that well then, but got to know her a little bit better on the WAPT, and just kind of became close over the last couple years.
Like I said, she is just a great person to be around.
Q. What's are your backgrounds? Where are you from?
KATHLEEN SCAVO: I'm from the Bay Area, northern California. I lived in Benicia, about 45 or so from San Francisco.
HANNAH ARNOLD: I'm from Lufkin, Texas.
Q. Nice. I feel like that's kind of the motto of the Epson Tour, right, you all get to know people from all over the world and all over the country. Obviously wildly different cultures. What makes this relationship work so well?
HANNAH ARNOLD: I can talk and she can listen.
KATHLEEN SCAVO: I don't know.
HANNAH ARNOLD: We have a lot of mutual friends. Golf obviously brings us together. But kind of both a little goofy I guess.
KATHLEEN SCAVO: Yeah, we're both a little goofy, a little different, but it works. We both -- I think we both can hold a conversation. Hannah probably talks a little bit more.
HANNAH ARNOLD: No, a lot more.
KATHLEEN SCAVO: A little bit more. But, yeah, she's just a great friend and just always a joy to be around.
Q. Tell me about having Hannah caddie for you. Does it kind of help to have a player on the bag?
KATHLEEN SCAVO: Yes. I would say that Hannah is great. She definitely keeps me calm. On the golf course I don't know, I can get a little -- it is a little nerve-wracking out there playing, but to have Hannah on the bag, she just helps relax me. She tells me some funny jokes.
Yeah, she makes it -- she lightens the mood, especially under pressure.
Q. And then Hannah, being a caddie, not hitting the shots, maybe just helping with the shots, is that a little weird? Does it feel weird to not be able to hit the shot for her?
HANNAH ARNOLD: I would say as far as different, I'm not as emotional picking lines putting because I'm not making -- like actually putting. So I can see a line and then just like, okay, it's there. Rather than, oh, second guessing where it's at.
I mean, I wouldn't say I'm the world's best caddie. I'm probably not a very good caddie. But I feel like just because I compete I can have a sense of what is good to say and not to say maybe knowing that the pressure is there, so kind of helping her relax a little bit better.
Q. What are your strengths as caddie?
KATHLEEN SCAVO: Strengths as a caddie? I would say keeping the conversation going and never getting kind of -- she never really let's me get too down on myself. She always picks me up when I am feeling down or I hit a bad shot, she's always there to help me recover.
Q. And then just finally, not sacred, but what do you all talk about on the golf course besides golf?
HANNAH ARNOLD: We talk about anything.
KATHLEEN SCAVO: Yeah. Sometimes we talk about the great friends that we have.
HANNAH ARNOLD: We always talk about -- we have so many cool friends it's ridiculous. So many cool people out here. Like, I mean, there is too many to count. Yeah, we have lots of mutual friends.
Food. We were talking about what do you think we're going to do for dinner. I think everyone does that, right?
Plus bringing the vibes. Just bringing the vibes.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports