Epson Tour Championship

Friday, October 6, 2023

Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

LPGA International, Jones Course

Kaleigh Telfer

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Kaleigh Telfer. What a round today. Just take me through your day out there and what was working so well?

KALEIGH TELFER: Yeah, I got off -- actually wasn't hitting the ball too great but I made two very long putts on the first nine and I think that just kept me in it.

And then I started to hit a lot better shots and just making the putts out there today.

Q. I know this golf course has been a little rain softened. Has it made it more easy to attack and the low scores are easier to find out there?

KALEIGH TELFER: I think so for sure. You can just hit it at the pin, but it's definitely firming up, so I think the next couple days will be a little bit of an adjustment.

Q. One of those players looking to get into the top 35 at this point to get that paid-for exemption into Q-Series. Saw you started a GoFundMe for your Q-School costs.

How much are you up to and how much of a difference would it make to have that Q-Series entry fee paid for?

KALEIGH TELFER: I mean, obviously Q-School costs 3,500, and I think I'm up to just under 2000, so it's helped a lot.

Every a little bit helps. Yes, of course, first of all, just getting into the top 35 to be exempt from Stage II would be my first priority, and then, yeah, getting it paid for is just an amazing thing that the tour has done this year.

That would be great, too.

Q. What made you shoot your shoot with the GoFundMe? You got to shoot it, right?

KALEIGH TELFER: Right. I just said to my parents, I was like, I mean, I've got nothing to lose. Even if I get $500, every a little bit hems. I decided to shoot my shot and it's worked out well.

Q. Tell me about your background. We know your name; we've seen you Auburn and some other places. But tell me how you got into golf, what South Africans you looked up to throughout the years?

KALEIGH TELFER: Yeah, for sure. I started when I was about ten just playing in school. Ashleigh Buhai, Simon at the time, she was my role model. I looked up to her, and I'm actually going to visit her after this.

She's someone I always looked up to. I think her winning the Open last year kind of got me kick started in my good year, so just to see some South Africans up there on the leaderboard. It's just nice to see where she's come from.

Q. And Paula Reto as well.


Q. Not a lot of South Africans out there, but now more than ever before when it comes to women's golf. What does that tell you where South African women's golf is going?

KALEIGH TELFER: South African women's golf has grown tremendously over the last five, ten years probably. We have a lot of good players in college now coming up the ranks, a lot of good players playing back home in South Africa. They just can't get that break out here.

There is a lot of us coming up, and I think the game has grown so much and they've been helping us out a little bit, too, yeah.

Q. For you, why Epson over maybe Sunshine or LET?

KALEIGH TELFER: I've just -- I mean, after college I got used to the States. I like the States. I ended up getting visa, so I have a home base now and it's basically home for me. So I just wanted to stay out here.

Q. Finally from me: Obviously trying to get into Q-Series right now. Let's say the dream comes true. What would it mean to be able to join people like Ash, Paula, and the South Africans out there on the LPGA Tour? What would that mean for you?

KALEIGH TELFER: I mean, that's it's been my dream since the I was a little kid, like a little five-, six-year-old kid, so, yeah, it would just mean a whole lot. Obviously I've been working hard for this and, yeah, it would just mean so much to me just to see the hard work pay off.


Q. I guess this is actually the last one. Played some dang good golf. What's been clicking for you that has helped you finish in the top 20 the last couple events?

KALEIGH TELFER: I played on the Sunshine Tour the beginning of the year and managed to get a few Top 5s there, so it was just getting back on the leaderboard again and I think that just boosted my confidence.

And then now I'm working with a coach, Doug Wood, Ashleigh Buhai's coach, and I think everything is just starting to click. Getting a little bit of confidence really helps that, too.

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137536-1-1041 2023-10-06 18:16:00 GMT

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