Q. Very good round today. You currently have the lead. Just take me through your day. What are you thinking?
MICHELLE ZHANG: Yeah, so I had a later tee time compared to yesterday. This morning I was checking out the leaderboard. Everyone is just playing amazing on this course. I was really trying to keep my head down, focus on one shot at a time, one step at a time.
I was definitely checking out the leaderboard throughout the day, but it's not like the only thing I was focusing on. It's just something in the back of my mind, and I'm just trying to grind it out out there.
Q. Do you think checking the leaderboard helps you? Do you think it encourages you a little bit to keep going low?
MICHELLE ZHANG: Yes, definitely. Like I always like to check the leaderboard. Everyone around me knows I like to see where I'm at, where the leader is at, and then just kind of setting myself a little goal throughout the day, be like this is who I'm trying to chase for the day.
Q. With a week like this, there is a lot to it. It's the finale. A lot of people will clinch spots. Is there any more pressure or just doing your thing?
MICHELLE ZHANG: Yeah, the last few weeks I kind of know I needed to play pretty good like last week or the week before to like come in, feel freely. I missed the cut last week, so this week I think I know where I'm at. I know I need a really good week to finish off and then just go to Q-Series instead of doing Stage II.
But I would say it's just a little bit more motivation compared to like pressure.
Q. I like that. Motivation rather than pressure. That's good. Going into the weekend, what is your mindset and what's your game plan?
MICHELLE ZHANG: I think it's still going to be what I've done the past two days. Seems to work well. Still trying to play one shot at a time. Definitely going to be playing with people that's closer with my score-wise, and then I'm just excited heading into the weekend with my current position.
Q. If you were checking those leaderboards out there today and you did hot 12-under, which was the lead, what are you telling yourself to keep extending your lead? How are you staying in the moment to see how far I can get?
MICHELLE ZHANG: Yeah, so later on after I hit 12-under I was kind of like shooting for 15-under. I came up just one short, but definitely just trying to extend as much as I can.
Knowing I need like a really good week to finish off this season, I was kind of just like, if I shoot for the moon I like don't end up in the moon, I'll still be in the stars is kind of my mindset throughout the week.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports