Q. Here with Isabella Fierro who just earned your LPGA Tour card. Hearing that you're going to be an LPGA Tour member next season, what does that mean?
ISABELLA FIERRO: It hasn't sunk in yet. I knew my chances were good this week. I've been playing very solid. But nothing is done in golf; anything can happen.
I'm so grateful that I have all of my team here, and I was just grateful from the beginning and it paid off. I think it's going to take a few weeks to sink in, but I'm so excited.
Q. Assuming that was your dad on the 18th. What did it mean to share that hug with him?
ISABELLA FIERRO: It's great. I started playing golf when I was four years old and he was the one who got me into the sport, and that's got me my dream of being the No. 1 playing in the world, and we're one step closer. So it was jut awesome having both of my parents with me. I'm just very grateful for them.
Q. Obviously got that win last week. You earned your card, you played your way to a card. To come in this week, do what you did this week, what does it mean to you to be able to clinch your card in that fashion, not have to oscillate on the tenth spot or anything like that oops?
ISABELLA FIERRO: I think my game has been very consistent the past couple weeks. The win was so close. I knew I have to be very patient week in, week out. There are so many good level here on Epson Tour and I knew I have to bring my A-game every single week and have the best mindset.
And definitely I mean, that would help a lot, give me a boost of confidence, but I knew it was a reset of the week and it was a new week coming in. Yeah, it was great.
Q. I know Lorena is a mentor of years. Won out here as well. To be able to be in same breath as people that have earned their LPGA Tour cards through the Epson Tour, what does that mean?
ISABELLA FIERRO: It means the world. She texted me like two days ago. She's been great. She's been great. She has been telling me to be patient. So has Gaby Lopez. They have been both very, very nice to me.
I can't wait to play with Gaby, and, I mean, for me, but for Mexico, too. Just another girl on the LPGA Tour, and I hope I bring the path to other young girls and inspire them.
Q. How do you hope to inspire those young Mexican players?
ISABELLA FIERRO: Just that anything is possible. I mean, I'm not super tall, not super strong. I'm from -- I mean compared to other countries I'm from Mexico. It has grown a lot, but I played a nine-hole course since I was little and I'm grateful for it.
I think anything can happen. I had surgeries, college, transfers, a lot of tears, a lot of sweat, but it paid off.
I think if you do believe in your dreams and you have a team that believes in your dreams, anything is possible.
Q. What does it mean to share this moment with your boyfriend, I'm assuming?
ISABELLA FIERRO: Yeah, it's great. He's going through the same process. He's playing Q-School pretty soon for Korn Ferry and I'm just glad that he got to see all of it.
I mean, I started even par and I was like, okay, well there is a lot of birdies out there and I was a little bit frustrated, but I wanted to keep my attitude going. I showed him example that in golf anything can happen. A good attitude is always the best thing. I'm just very thankful that he's here.
Q. Finally, what are you most looking forward to being an LPGA Tour rookie next season?
ISABELLA FIERRO: I mean, learning more things, having more experience. And I can't wait to win out there. I'm so hungry for it that I can't wait. Epson Tour was definitely the best preparation ever.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports