Q. I'm here with Roberta Liti. Congratulations first of all on earning your tour card.
ROBERTA LITI: Thank you.
Q. What does it feel like to have it secured in your hand?
ROBERTA LITI: It's been a stressful season. You just come down the stretch and just the final push and every week holds more and more weight.
So just a big relief as of today. It hasn't sunk in yet, so I think it'll take some time. It's definitely great for me to just like have made the choice to play out here instead of LPGA, which was just giving up on the lifetime dream, hoping to make top 10, and I'm just glad it paid off.
So I think that's the biggest thing.
Q. What are you looking forward to most about next year?
ROBERTA LITI: Just having the opportunity to play a full real season on the LPGA, not having to bounce around, playing Monday qualifiers, and just being able to get all my starts and play a real season out there and see what it's like to compete in the biggest stage.
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