LIV Golf Las Vegas

Saturday, 10 February, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Las Vegas Country Club

RangeGoats GC

Matt Wolff

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you describe the battle, the fight out there today?

MATT WOLFF: Man, it was good. I felt like finally my game has really come together. I'm hitting it a lot better. I feel like I'm in a much better spot, not only with my game but also mentally.

I think I'm putting a little bit less pressure on myself, and that's kudos to Bubba and the team and being really supportive and just enjoying our time out here.

I definitely I don't want to say gave it away but made a couple mistakes coming in, but haven't been in this situation too much in the past couple years, so I think the more I can be in a situation, the more I'll learn, and I know eventually I'll get it done, but I don't know when that time is going to come, but I can't force it.

Q. It was tough conditions out there today. How would you describe it?

MATT WOLFF: It was brutal. I knew from the start it was going to be a grind. I've just got to put my head down, try not to do too much and just minimize the mistakes and try to take advantage when I could.

Like I said, I made a couple mistakes, started driving it a little errant coming down the stretch, but I was a little nervous, and I think that it's one of those days where you knew that a few under was probably going to be a really good score. Just tried to roll with the good and the bad, and unfortunately I didn't come out on top, but it was a fun week. I'll definitely look back on it and learn a lot from it.

Q. Did it cross your mind at all, especially on the back nine, that that team battle was so tight? It looked at one point like you guys and Smash could potentially be in a playoff.

MATT WOLFF: Yeah. Smash definitely, they pulled away. They played really good. G-Mac, Gooch, and I played with Kokrak, and they all played great. Obviously they kind of ran away with it, but just to be in that situation for the team -- I played with Peter, so when he was making birdies, I was fist pumping him, and I definitely think there was a level of competition, and I no doubt wanted to beat Peter, and I'm sure Peter wanted to beat me. But we also knew that any good was going to help our team.

So it was nice to have someone like that out there, and it made me feel a little bit more comfortable, too, having Peter because I play golf with him almost every single day. He's an unbelievable dude and such a good player. It's cool to learn from him and see him play well.

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