LIV Golf Adelaide

Sunday, 23 April, 2023

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

The Grange

4 Aces GC

Dustin Johnson

Peter Uihlein

Pat Perez

Patrick Reed

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome the champions of LIV Golf Adelaide, 4 Aces GC. Congratulations, guys. Welcome, guys. Today was like a battle on the team leaderboard. It was going up and down all day long. Were you guys dialed in on that or really just focused on your own games?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I was watching the leaderboard a little bit because I knew if we all four played well, we were going to have a chance to win. Yeah, especially once we got through -- when it got close to the end, I was definitely looking at the leaderboard a good bit or as much as I could just to see where we stood, to see if we needed to make some birdies, what it was.

But obviously it was a great week. All four guys played well. To get our first win outside the U.S. was nice.

Q. Patrick, tell us a little bit about your day, podiumed, as well, came in third place. What was it like out there today?

PATRICK REED: Yeah, it was good. It was electric. It's been a while since we've seen fans like that, and they were definitely letting it loose. They were energized and kind of got us going, especially after bogeying 18, which was my second hole of the day, they really -- felt like after hitting a couple quality shots they got behind me and I was able to kind of run with it.

Q. Pete, this is your first win with the 4 Aces; how does it feel?

PETER UIHLEIN: It feels great. Yeah, it feels awesome to be a part of it. I was starting to think maybe I was bad luck at the first three; that's why we weren't winning.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: That was my fault, not yours.

PETER UIHLEIN: Nice to be part of a team victory. I think we all four finished in the top 10, so it's a heck of a week.

Q. Pat, you had an awesome week out there. What was that experience like for you?

PAT PEREZ: It's phenomenal. Like the boys said, crowds were incredible. They were screaming for me all day every day, and 12 was electric. It was just unbelievable. I finally hit -- I birdied it every day, so I gave them a little more show, but I had a blast. I really did. I had a blast. It was an unbelievable event. That many people out here screaming and having fun, you could just see how this LIV thing is just really exploding.

Q. Do you guys feel like this serves as the blueprint for what LIV can become once it reaches its full potential?

PAT PEREZ: Yeah, I think when we go more worldwide, you're going to see this kind of stuff. I think that's what we should stay with, myself. But that's me.

Q. DJ, you said earlier in the week that you felt good about the team's chances. Was it a matter of you felt like you guys were just due, or was there something more tangible?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Well, I knew the other three guys were playing well, I just wasn't playing that well. So as soon as I started to play halfway decent we were going to have a good chance to win. Obviously I played okay. The first day I didn't play very good. Actually played good, just didn't score well, and obviously shot decent scores the last two days.

But yeah, all three guys are playing really well, playing good golf. I knew if I could just contribute a little bit, we were going to have a good chance.

Q. And you said before Mayakoba, you were probably just joking, but you told Talor Miami was going to be the last time he saw the podium. Was that entered in your mind at all this week?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Well, yeah, I didn't want him to win. I never want any other team to win than mine.

Yeah, obviously I like Talor, and he did really well for us last year, and obviously he played great this week. But yeah, I'm glad we snipped him, though, for sure, just to give it to him a little bit more.

Q. Peter, I think you become the first guy to win two team titles with two different teams.

PETER UIHLEIN: Yeah. I don't know if that's good or not, but yeah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, like I said, I'm thrilled to be a part of the team this week, and just trying to do what I can to contribute. These are three horses over here, I'm just trying to hitch a ride. It's been fun.

Q. Pat Perez, have you ever celebrated a birdie quite like you did at 12?

PAT PEREZ: No, because I never made birdie on 16 in Phoenix. I always got booed because I always made something else. The crowd was incredible. Pick your own song was amazing. I was amped up from the song, and the crowd was just unbelievable. That ball went in, thank God. It went in like Dustin's in Boston where -- that might have been in the bunker if it didn't hit the hole today. That was pretty lucky. I just went with it, and I'm like, I'm going for it. I almost got hit by a few beer cans, but I'm going to let that slide.

Q. Patrick, have you ever done a shoey before?

PATRICK REED: Have not. That was the first time.

Q. What did it taste like?

PATRICK REED: It tasted a little different.

Q. What is it about Sunday with you guys? Like you guys continue to deliver on the final day.

PATRICK REED: Yeah, I think for me personally, Sunday, I've just got to start it like Monday qualifiers back in the day. I've got 18 holes, and I don't want to let these guys down, and I seem to always be playing catch-up after day one, so I have to make sure I play well day two and day three to contribute and get my name up the leaderboard to help these guys out.

I think also seeing these guys' name up on the leaderboard up near the top and then seeing Petey go out and all of a sudden I felt like I only played one hole, and then I see him 2-under and 3-under and 4, and seeing Pat making all these birdies, and DJ, I knew he was going to deliver, so when you see that from your team, it kind of allows you to kind of put the pedal down, and I was able to get going. I feel like that's what we do. Of course we want to start better, but it's all about the finish.

Q. How much fun have you been having this week, and is what you're seeing around not just this golf course but with the city with all the LIV signs --

DUSTIN JOHNSON: It's great. This week has been amazing. The support we've had from the fans and the city, everywhere in Australia, it's been awesome. Obviously the crowds were unbelievable this week, so yeah, it was a lot of fun and had great support.

Q. How much has this atmosphere done for you and LIV big picture?

PAT PEREZ: I think it's been incredible for LIV itself. You see how everybody had a blast, there was a lot of people, they're supporting it. It was incredible, amazing event.

Q. You guys are crashing it again. I love it. My question is really for all of you. When you first signed up for LIV, is this what you had envisioned, what happened this weekend? Or is this beyond what your expectations were?

PAT PEREZ: It's what I hoped it was. Definitely hoped this was how it was going to be.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yep, same. I thought this is what it would get to. Obviously this week and then hopefully we'll continue this for more events because this was incredible.

PATRICK REED: I mean, I agree. I can see it like this, and honestly for us to get to this point this fast, I could see it getting even better, bigger.

Q. This is less than a year. What's the sky's limit for this?

PETER UIHLEIN: It's 12 events, that's the reality. We've done 12 events, and you get this kind of atmosphere on your 12th one? Think about when this is like your 40th or 50th, how much bigger and how much more this will grow. I think people lose sight of that a little bit. This is literally the 12th event. The sky's the limit.

Q. Since this is Peter's first time winning on the team, was there any sort of intro process like hazing or did he have to give you free Titleists from his dad? How did that work?

PAT PEREZ: It's not college, bro. No, there was none. We were excited to have him. Really excited to have him.

Q. Just wanted to know one take away from each of you for this week, just one thing each.

PATRICK REED: That was a lot of fun. That was amazing. The crowds were electric. I could see big picture how it was supposed to get to and what it was supposed to be as a product, and to see how the fans are, it was insane. It was everything I like.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I really enjoyed everything about it, the fans. The golf course was great. It was in really good shape, and yeah, obviously the support we had from the fans here was absolutely incredible. Yeah, tons of fun.

PAT PEREZ: Same, support of the fans, support of the city. Just an amazing event. We hope it continues.

PETER UIHLEIN: Long time coming. I think Australia was starved for top golfers to come down here, and to be able to come down and play in front of the crowds, they deserved it, and like I said, it was a long time coming, and we're happy to be here.

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