LIV Golf Adelaide

Saturday, 27 April, 2024

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

The Grange

Iron Heads GC

Danny Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Right in the hunt again. How did you feel about today?

DANNY LEE: Other than that double on 5, played pretty good. Hitting the ball really nicely. I was a little bit off with the driver today. Other than that, I can't complain. Putted well again today, which is nice. Birdie-birdie finish on the day is always nice, and it gets me a lot of positive momentum going towards the last round.

Q. How would you compare your play this week compared to Tucson?

DANNY LEE: Better, I think. Tuesday there's a couple shots I really got away with it, off the tee or second shot. Kind of stayed inbounds and gave me a birdie opportunity instead of dropping.

This week I feel like I'm in better control than Tucson, but better thing is I'm putting is better than the way I putted in Tucson. I should say it's a little bit better.

Q. That last putt in Tucson was pretty good.

DANNY LEE: Yep. Yes, it was.

Q. Speaking of Tucson, it's quite a familiar top of that leaderboard.


Q. Do you think they're going to have a bit of a revenge factor going into tomorrow?

DANNY LEE: I mean, I don't have anything going on for me. I'm just enjoying this moment right now. Fans have been really fantastic for me. They're calling out a lot of my names. Just really enjoying this week.

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