Q. You played two intrasquad games in Osaka, and thinking back to the two games in Osaka, what was the big difference, big change?
KANG CHUL LEE: Well, yes, actually, we had a minor change for the two previous games. We didn't change a lot for starting pitchers but for the bullpen, we change a minor.
I personally think that the two of our players played well.
Q. You spent close to two months in Arizona USA, and compared to that point, how is your team's condition?
KANG CHUL LEE: Yes, for the past two months, we've been working out hard, and at that time, we had very confidential -- confidence. Today, it is the day before the opening game, we also have a lot of confidence, not only me but also my players have a lot of confidence as well as playing, enjoying baseball.
Q. Tell us about the opening game against Australia, who is your probable starter for tomorrow's game against Australia, if possible? Also for your starting lineup for tomorrow throughout the two previous games, if there's any change?
KANG CHUL LEE: Yes, I would like to address our starting pitcher for tomorrow this afternoon. And our game plan we have a lot of bullpen planning to pitch against Australia for tomorrow.
Q. Representing Team Korea, and also Team Australia has been defeated -- eight consecutive games winning against Korea. What do you think about it?
KANG CHUL LEE: Yes, we -- well, we haven't beaten against Australia for the past eight games, but it's not in my mind. It's the past, for the previous two years, the team career is not well at the international games, international tournament.
So we tried to do our best and focus on each individual game, we have a lot of pressure to get the great effort, but at the same time, we are feeling and having joy to play baseball.
Q. You mentioned a lot of times that the Game 1 against Australia is so important, but at the same time a lot of Japanese media is paying attention for your second game to play against Japan. What's in your mind for Team Japan?
KANG CHUL LEE: We are focusing on the first game against Australia, but we feel so heavily that the game against Japan is so important, as well. Not only me but all the players has mentioned that Team Japan -- the game against Japan is so important.
But more importantly, try to get a first win against Australia tomorrow, so that we could be a little bit relaxed when we play against Japan. If we could score earlier in the game, we have an easy game plan going probably.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports