LA Galaxy 1, Seattle 0
Q. Congratulations on the goal and congratulations on the win. Can you tell us how it felt out there, your first 90 minutes and talk specifically about the goal.
GABRIEL PEC: First of all, thanks to God for this opportunity to play with a lot of fans, full house, very special to be performing in front of the fans. Looking forward to the next game. It's going to be a derby.
Q. Can you talk about your goal and how you scored that and the combination with all the players around?
The goal was on a daily basis we try to get together, I try to get to know my teammates and to come out in a game like this, I can score my first goal, this is what I've been doing, trying to make the goal, the pass from Riqui to Joseph I was in a beautiful position to score and very happy to.
Q. The more time you've had here and as you are becoming more acclimated to the group and the way this team plays, what do you think we're starting to see from you that maybe we weren't seeing earlier when you were -- your first few games when you were still kind of finding yourself?
I was waiting for a moment like this. I was waiting for a game like this, good play, more time of the field, got that today with the goal, and day-by-day with my teammates, for sure, Gastón and myself, looking forward to the next one.
Q. Can you tell us a little bit about how it was playing on the pitch tonight? It didn't seem to affect you too much but whether you enjoyed playing in those conditions and how you think it affected your game.
The cold weather, I couldn't feel my feet today on the game, also, the half-field, the halves were fixed because of rain, and definitely it was a difficult thing today on the game. But definitely do my best and get the win.
I'm glad that I could score today. I'm very happy with my performance, and also I was feeling happy that I scored a goal so far. It's good to score a goal after a little time here. I can't wait to do the next one.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports