LA Galaxy Media Conference

Joseph Paintsil

Press Conference

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Los Angeles, California, USA

LA Galaxy 4, San Jose 3 auto

Q. What was it like, so many twists and turns, looked like it was going to be a nice, simple win turned into a very difficult win.

JOSEPH PAINTSIL: Yeah, we thought it was going to be a nice simple win but again it's a Clásico. It's a lot of surprises, even though we are playing home, even though it is the 100th Clásico. But our mentality was to do everything possible to win for the fans because they came in numbers. It was a difficult game at the end, I think 30 minutes of the game, which we had the red card also. But we stick together as a team even though they added an eighth minute. I think the team did a great job maintaining that 4-3.

Q. At 3-0, you guys are cruising, just like Scott said here. But you guys get the goal off of a set piece. Did the team let up at all, or how did you receive that emotionally and mentally? What was going through your mind and maybe what was the feeling that you were getting from your teammates at that point?

Yeah, from the 3-1, that was the first goal they scored, right. For me, I was really confident because we were leading 3-1. There is a lot of ground to catch, but immediately before we just got the fourth, we were really chill, calm, because we thought maybe things were really done for us.

But immediately things were going the other side. We were really disturbed, especially mentally when it was 4-3, even when it was 4-2, because this is Clásico and everything can happen every minute.

With the set pieces that we concede, yeah, we owe to our mistakes, everything is possible. They also did mistake. Without that mistake they couldn't have scored that kind of goals. But as we said we keep on working and keep on working hard to work on our set pieces and to make sure that we don't concede any more goals.

Q. All three DPs got on the score sheet and combined. Can you talk about what that understanding on the field is becoming like for you guys?

Yeah, I think the three DPs for me, yeah, it is, just the same people, it's really good because we have someone that can feed us the ball, someone like Riqui, not only Riqui, also the people around him really helps us a lot. Because having Riqui with the ball makes differences for the other players, for the other opponents, especially the defenders. Because he knows the way I run, the way I always make an option for him to give me the ball when it's necessary, and as you can see, he also knows how Pec also do his thing to get on his feet and to also do whatever he needs to do.

We three scoring goals is really an amazing thing, especially the PPP in on the score sheet is really amazing, and we hope for more, and we hope for more. And especially the most important thing is the club. The more we win, the more it makes for an individual to showcase himself.

Q. You took the penalty kick, scored a goal. How comfortable are you taking penalty kicks, and knowing the Galaxy have had some struggles putting the ball in the back from the penalty spot?

I'm always comfortable because this is something not new for me. I'm always confident, especially in a penalty shootout, it's always a 50/50 thing. Always you need to put in your mind with this 50/50 thing, it's going to be unlucky. It's going to be lucky, also, when the keeper also dive to wherever he wants to put the ball in

But I'm someone that I never lose -- I never lose hope, especially if I lose a penalty, I will keep going and just keep going because I'm really mentally strong, especially when it comes to penalty kicks.

Q. And you've talked about the team being mentally strong but that last -- you know, 30 minutes with the red card and everything, what does it say about this team being able to hold on for the win, down a man, and then is that a good positive or a learning experience to take going forward?

Yeah, I think it's really a good part for us holding them up with the eight minutes, and it's something that we also need to work on because this is something that we have to fight for, this is something that we don't need to let it go. Because this kind of matches are really matches that the supporters really want, even in the whole season. Because that's what the aim is, for us to win.

And we having this red card was something that was really -- I think was really a little bit harsh normally. But as you can see, we managed the circumstances, and we did what we had to do. We work really hard as a team, and as you can see, the defenders did really a great job. Our keeper did also really good saves. As you can see, kudos to them, because they did really amazing.

And I'm really happy to be in this fantastic club, and I will say again, if we keep doing like this and we keep playing like this, things are going to be really fantastic for this club. FastScripts by ASAP Sports ...

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