LA Galaxy Media Conference

Miki Yamane

Press Conference

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Los Angeles, California, USA

MIKI YAMANE: I'm happy to help the team win. Thank you.

Q. The team is playing at home in a stretch of games here at home. How important was this win tonight to the homestand that you guys are going to be playing?

It was important to win this game because three games through.

LA Galaxy 2, Houston 1

Q. I just wanted to ask you, you've spent a couple of months with the team. How much fun are you having out there? You've obviously developed a good relationship there with Marc Delgado, and you guys seem to rotate a lot. How much fun are you having here in MLS and with the Galaxy?

There's definitely a better understanding between the players and definitely building a better relationship, and definitely having fun on the field. So yeah, I'm definitely starting to show that on the field as well.

Q. There are many people in the AP poll that have you as the Player of the Match for tonight. Do you feel like this was your best game to far for LA Galaxy?

In MLS -- so happy. It's about time.

Q. Greg mentioned him asking you to get involved a little bit more in the attack and go forward a little bit more. Does this come naturally to you or is this something you're having to learn tactically here with this team?

My responsibility for each game changes every game but it's definitely my style to be attacking like that, what I did in the second half. So I'm definitely comfortable with going up and attacking from the side.

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144485-1-1003 2024-05-26 05:36:00 GMT

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