LA Galaxy Media Conference

Maruicio Cuevas

Press Conference

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Los Angeles, California, USA

LA Galaxy 2, Minnesota United 1

Q. Hello, hi, Maruicio. That ball coming over from Puig. Take us through that first touch and that second touch.

MARUICIO CUEVAS: Yeah, reaction for sure, ball came fast, reacting to the pass that Riqui gave me and as soon as I saw that I was behind the defender, just trying to put the ball into space for a tap-in, for sure.

Q. The little loop, was that just circumstance or.

MARUICIO CUEVAS: Just reactions, that's all, yeah, just reactions. Been playing a lot of Tech ball lately. I guess you can say that helps.

Q. You came in and made a difference in a couple of games recently. Talk about preparing yourself for these moments and coming through in those moments.

MARUICIO CUEVAS: Yeah, it's a day in day out thing every single day. Going into the mentality of improving myself every single day so the coach and the team can count on me and just being there for the team and helping in whatever way I can.

Q. Maruicio, congratulations on the win and that last assist as well. Greg was talking about how you do so many things well and that he plays you at all these different positions and you go out there and you keep proving that you deserve more minutes. Do you feel that confidence growing and do you feel like you have the confidence of the coaching staff?

MARUICIO CUEVAS: Yeah, for sure. Getting more minutes, right wing, left back, wherever the team needs me, wherever the coach needs me and going out there and giving my all every single day. That will never miss for me. I will always give my all, that's for sure.

Q. Are you comfortable playing all these positions? Did you play a lot of winger before you came here?

MARUICIO CUEVAS: Yeah I grew up playing every position, I think, center back, right back, defender, midfielder, except for goalie. Yeah, you can say I'm pretty comfortable.

Q. You're looking at this team, some from the bench now getting more minutes as you're playing. Do you see a ceiling for this team? Do you think you guys are getting better? Can you play better than you have been playing?

MARUICIO CUEVAS: Oh, 100%. There is no ceiling for this team, I think. This team is unbelievable from all, just from the coaching to every single player and, yeah, I think this team can go very far as long as we just keep putting the work in day in day out, that's for sure.

Q. Congratulations on the win and wonderful pass. After the last match, was this the response that the team was looking for?

MARUICIO CUEVAS: 100%, yes. We know that we wanted this response and we wanted a great comeback. Like we always say, no great team loses twice in a row, that's for sure.

MODERATOR: Anything else? Thanks for your time, Maruicio.

MARUICIO CUEVAS: Thank you, guys. Have a good night.

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