LA Galaxy Media Conference

Miguel Berry

Press Conference

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Los Angeles, California, USA

St. Louis 2, L.A. Galaxy 1

Q. Miguel, obviously not the result you guys wanted but your inclusion in the second half, you come on about 60 seconds into that and you get a nice assist to get a goal. What is your mindset now when you're entering these games for the L.A. Galaxy?

MIGUEL BERRY: For me it's to make an impact and obviously change the game. That's your job as a substitute, and you know, regardless, really, whenever you play, is to change the game for the better and make a difference. I was happy to be involved early and it's a space that we discussed attacking all week. So credit to the coaches for pointing that out and just it happened kind of like we said it would, and I think between Deji and I, gave the score that goal 25 times in training all year. I was happy it worked out that way. Obviously disappointed about the result, though.

Q. Seem to have found a comfort level, whether it's coming off the bench or whatever you're doing but a comfort level of the position that you're being asked to play and the situations you're asked to play. Did you have to adjust anything in your mindset from this year? Do you feel like you've grown in that situation?

You know, continuity I think is important for my player in terms of playing as well as getting to know the players around you and the coaching staff and the attacks and everything. It's very difficult to get that quickly.

I think as this year's gone on, I've gotten to know my teammates better and they have gotten to know me better and I think there's a certain level of understanding comfort and that kind of thing always grows. We are looking forward to having it continue to develop but yeah, I think as we get on in the season and with more training -- at the beginning it's always going to be difficult with come together with 25 people you've never played with before.

Happy with the way it's gone and evolved, and hopefully continue to grow.

Q. You guys are still at the top of the Western Conference, six games remaining. What's the mood getting ready for the international break and El Tráfico on the other side?

The locker room is frustrated not getting a result. We see ourselves as contenders to win everything, and you know, the attitude going into every game is to win every single game and I've been on good teams before where that wasn't the case. There's a hunger there, good hunger.

And this one was a tough one to swallow playing away from home not playing our best. We are excited for LAFC and know what a difficult task that and but we are excited to play them at home and really kind of take it to them and do everything we can to bring those three points and the playoffs at home.

Q. This is definitely a difficult game, you and Dejan both got a share of the pitch together. What's it like maybe just having you two strikers up top, having to play, just the experience in the last 20 minutes?

It was a good experience. We got to play together this week in training on sort of the scout team. I think we combined well a few times. It's a little wrinkle that we could throw in there, I guess and I was happy to see him back from injury. I know it's been tough for him.

So it was good for him to get back out there and get his 100th game. I'm sure we like a good result to cap that one off but it was good for us to play. I think we did early in the season against Nashville, as well and we came out well and we did well in the last 30 minutes of that game as well. It's something we've done before and we have not done a whole lot of. But whatever the game calls for, I think both of us are prepared to work for the team and give the team what it needs.

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