LA Galaxy 3, Colorado 1
Q. You seem to have hit your stride as you get closer to clinching the Western Conference first place spot. Do you feel like the momentum is really starting to build towards the end of the year?
RIQUI PUIG: Yeah, I think that we are playing really good. We need to improve some things, I think in the defensive area, but I think that the strength of team is in the counterattack, it really is in a high level. I think that we have a really good connection, and I think that the last maybe six, seven games, we have three losses that we lost away, but I think that today the first half, not really good, but the second half, I think that we come back really good and we enjoy a lot this second half.
Q. When you first joined L.A. Galaxy, there was a lot of stress and pressure on your shoulders, and you still have so much stress and pressure, too, but it seems like you have more joy playing football this season, and that's evident in performances like today. How much are you enjoying playing the game that you love with this team?
RIQUI PUIG: Well, I think that we do always our job, and I think that this year we have really good pieces and we have really good transfers. I make a lot of assists and goals. I think it's one of my best seasons until I start playing soccer.
But like you say, when you enjoy, I think that you can feel inside the field that all together and all the team are like enjoying together, and we're like making really good performance and that's really good for us, and also for Galaxy.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports