Washington Wizards Media Conference

Monday, November 6, 2023

Washington, DC, USA

Daniel Gafford

Media Conference

76ers 146, Wizards 128

Q. Certain lineups started really, really well, especially on defense you and Deni were particularly active. What was going well early on?

DANIEL GAFFORD: Just our attention to detail. We came out poised. We came out pretty much ready to go, and then of course really just kind of maintaining that was the goal. We maintained that throughout the first quarter, a little bit lackadaisical, a little bit back and forth in the second.

Q. Josh asked Kuz the same thing, but it doesn't seem like morale has dipped at all really that much. Seems like you're so active on the bench, things like that. How would you describe that and what are you doing to get past some tough losses?

DANIEL GAFFORD: You know, pretty much just taking the little things. We've been kind of like tough -- it's been a tough couple of games with us coming out in the third quarter and whatnot, so we take that because we actually came out better I would say. But right now of course this stinks, but we just have to figure it out in the long run. We really can't hang our heads because we want a better season. There's a lot of games left, and it's just the beginning of the season. Trying to get, I would say, too worked up over these couple of games would be, I would say, overreacting, but at the end of the day, we still have it in the back of our heads if that makes sense.

Really just taking it one game at a time. We don't want to come out, give up, have a 20-point loss any game, but at the end of the day, we're just trying to figure out ways to just put everything together I would say.

Q. How does the ankle feel?

DANIEL GAFFORD: It feels good, to an extent.

Q. How do you guys put it together closer to 48 minutes defensively?

DANIEL GAFFORD: That really pretty much comes with the guys on the floor at the time. Coaches can help us out, too, when it comes to just like the schemes and everything, making adjustments, but more so just us holding each other accountable, being there for each other, and not taking plays off at the end of the day.

Q. How much of the give-and-take between teammates is going on right now?

DANIEL GAFFORD: It's a lot. Everybody wants to be better as a team in general, so the communication is great with us because you've got a lot of guys that's been in the league, seasoned guys for sure, so just trying to figure out ways to communicate the right way with each other is the main thing, and that's pretty much been going good throughout the season I would say.

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