Washington Wizards Media Conference

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Washington, DC, USA

Wes Unseld Jr.

Media Conference

Q. It was another game where you guys kept up pretty well, had a really strong first half. What do you think was the difference coming out of halftime?

WES UNSELD JR.: Yeah, it was the start of the third quarter, just a little flat, quick 10-0 run, and throughout that quarter, offensive rebounds, 5 for 10, transition. Some of those were just all full of missed shots. 10 points in that area. Just kind of got out of rhythm, and they jumped on us, to their credit.

Q. You mentioned the rebounding. You were out-rebounding them until the third quarter. Did something change or was it the energy level?

WES UNSELD JR.: No, I think some of those were just like long rebounds. Those were coming off, and we were just not getting those 50/50s, and those are the ones that hurt. We'd have a pretty good possession defensively, force a miss, and I thought overall this was a good three-point shooting team, a team that made threes, that's pretty good. Some of those are long misses. We've got to find a way to grab some of those.

Q. Jordan had another high-scoring night. He mentioned that he felt like when he was able to create action, he was on ball a little bit more Monday was when he felt like he had success. Were you seeing the same thing as he did and was he able to take advantage of the some kind of action tonight?

WES UNSELD JR.: Yeah, at times. I think he's most comfortable when he has the ball in his hands. It's a little easier when you're not fighting pressure to catch. We've had some nights where he's had the ball in his hands and teams have blitzed him, really tried to put a lot of pressure on him to get off the ball. So it's just finding that balance for him and reading the flow, reading how defenses cover him I think helps open things up.

It's tough for a guy if you're the primary ball handler possession after possession and you're scoring, they're going to take the ball out of your hands.

Q. How big of a lesson that you guys had to learn as a team that's kind of growing is the consistency piece? I know you had the back-to-back last week, but it has been a struggle for you guys to carry over the same level after you have really high effort.

WES UNSELD JR.: Yeah, I think it's one thing if you don't make shots. There's going to be nights like that. But there were times where it wasn't correct where it needs to be, and that consistency piece is something we're still trying to figure out. We've shown really good stretches at times, just not long enough.

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