Washington Wizards Media Conference

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Washington, DC, USA

Jared Butler

Media Conference

Houston 137, Washington 114

Q. What kind of caused the shift at the end of third quarter, because it was tied 76-all and went down.

JARED BUTLER: Obviously Jalen Green got hot, and seemed like was just throwing a rock in the ocean; it was tough.

Q. What makes Jalen Green such a tough guard?

JARED BUTLER: I think his athleticism. I think he's probably improved shooting the ball well. So that's like kind of like a double sword. You know, when he's got his shooting hand, it's tough to guard.

Q. Being a two-way guy, spending your time with the Go-Go, does that make it easier because you've built chemistry with some of the guys, does it make it easier for you to make that transition?

JARED BUTLER: No, because at the end of the day you play with two different teams, and two different teams, two different heart beats. It's actually a little bit tougher for guys to find their rhythm between both teams. You do get the privilege of playing a lot of games, and that's a plus. But you still have two different games, two different heart beats, two different roles a lot of the time, so yeah.

Q. What do you think of Justin's performance on the Wizards so far?

JARED BUTLER: It's great. He's so solid. Catch-and-shoot guy. Just very solid. He's got a toughness about him I like a lot.

Q. Jules Bernard, a guy you probably spent a lot of time with. Do you think he's done enough to make his point that he's worthy of staying in the NBA either in D.C. or elsewhere?

JARED BUTLER: I think so. I think he's, again, another tough guard, a guy that can get downhill, relentless and just tough.

Q. For you, do you think you've done enough to prove to the NBA that you belong here? Obviously two-way is a blessing, but do you think you've done enough to prove that you we long with a standard NBA contract?

JARED BUTLER: I think so, yeah.

Q. Why is that, do you think?

JARED BUTLER: I just think that the way I pass the ball, the way I can get downhill, the way I can guard the ball, is for sure worth a standard NBA job for sure.

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