Washington Wizards Media Conference

Monday, April 15, 2024

Washington, DC, USA

Richaun Holmes

Media Conference

Q. You have great experience in the league. When you look at what the Wizards are trying to accomplish, what gives you optimism about the team's future, the franchise's future?

RICHAUN HOLMES: I think for me, it's just finding guys that want to come in and put the work in every day. I think being around this organization, being around these teammates, that's one thing that's very clear. Everybody wants to work hard. Everybody wants to win and has the attitude.

I think we come in, we put the work in every day, and that's the only way you can kind of get better. You can't avoid the process. I think we just come in and continue to hack away at it like that.

Q. I remember when you first got traded, you told us that you kind of had to figure some things out just in terms of your transition. What has the transition been like on and off the court after the trade?

RICHAUN HOLMES: I mean, it was rough at first just coming in mid-season. Like I said before, I got a son in school in Dallas, so it was rough from that aspect. But this team, this organization made everything so great. They're very family oriented so they were reaching out to make sure I had help with my son, with my daughter now when she came down. They made it a lot easier for me, so I just thank God for being a part of this organization, and it became seamless after a while.

Q. With the NBA experience you have, what have you learned about the best way to approach an off-season, and how do you go about it?

RICHAUN HOLMES: For me, I think first you need the rest. You need to relax your mind, relax your body, kind of get yourself a reset, and then kind of hit the ground running.

For me, I'm in the gym two, three times a day in the summer because I'll go crazy being outside of the gym. I don't know what to do with all my time. That's kind of my thing. Just kind of hit it hard, put as much work in as I can, make sure I'm seeing improvement, and I have different ways I measure that with my trainers back home, but that's kinds of how I do it.

Q. Earlier in the season you said that Bilal was one of the best rookies you've ever seen. I wanted to ask about Tristan, what you saw from him the last few games of the regular season.

RICHAUN HOLMES: Just highly skilled, able to shoot the three, make plays off the dribble, can pass the ball. Just a lot of skill. For him to join the team that late and kind of fit in the way he did, that says a lot about him and how much work he puts in. I'm really looking forward to having a full year and seeing what goes on next year.

Q. What did you like about how your role might have transformed from getting to D.C. mid-season and playing a handful of games in D.C.? Did your role change or did it stay the same from what it's been throughout your career?

RICHAUN HOLMES: I think it's been pretty much the same. I just think having the opportunity to kind of expound on that and kind of do it more. I feel like they really embraced me for who I was here and what I brought to the team and allowed me to be that, allowed me to be that even more so. I'm just really grateful to them for that and want to continue to do what I like and help this team win and get better, continue building. I'm looking forward to the opportunity still.

Q. What are your thoughts about Bilal?

RICHAUN HOLMES: I told him, he's one of the best rookie defenders I've seen. Just raw athleticism and raw defensive talent, without even putting the game plan and understanding people's tendencies yet. Just his ability to read and react on that end of the floor is truly amazing. I am looking forward to seeing him grow, as well.

He's polishing his game up on the offensive end now, and I think he's going to be a really, really big problem in the years to come. I'm looking forward to it.

Q. Where will you spend the majority of your off-season, in Dallas?

RICHAUN HOLMES: Honestly most of the time I'll be in Chicago. My son has still got to finish up school this month, so I'll be heading back there to be with him, but after that, going to Chicago. That's my hometown where most of my family is, and I'll be working out of there.

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