BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Justin Harding

Quick Quotes

Q. Round of 66, no bogeys on the card. How well did you play today?

JUSTIN HARDING: I think the thing that makes me most happy is there were no bogeys. I played good, solid. I had good control of my ball flight and my irons. Just a matter of trying to find a few fairways and see if I can give myself a couple chances on the greens.

Q. You made three twos on the par 3s, they are formidable here. What was the secret to that?

JUSTIN HARDING: On 5, I hit one there down the hill and gave myself a really long effort, because making four twos doesn't happen very often. I put a couple in close. As I said, felt like I had a lot of good numbers on there, and when I didn't, I played away from the hole. Pretty good course management.

Q. Even without a crowd, the BMW PGA Championship, a Rolex Series Event, does it feel different?

JUSTIN HARDING: I think everyone teeing it up knows the stature of the event and how important it is for the season. It's obviously an opportunity to have all the big guns out and playing, and any golfer wants to taste the best out there. The course is in great shape. They have put on a great show here. It ultimately is just a matter of trying to get through it and waiting until they all come out and can cheer us on.

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