BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. 67, level par through eight and lit it up with six birdies on the last ten. What changed?

SHANE LOWRY: Not much to be honest. I think the opening seven, eight holes are very difficult. The first and the third are basically two par 4 and a halves, really difficult and birdied four, which is probably the easiest hole on the course and then a great birdie on 9. That kind of got me going because 9 has been really difficult. Hit a lovely 6-iron in there and managed to roll in a nice sort of 15-footer, and that kind of got me going, but I just felt comfortable out there. It's a place I feel comfortable. It's a place I love, and I'm happy with the day.

Q. Second shot into 13, how well do you feel you're swinging?

SHANE LOWRY: 13, yeah, pretty good. So like I had a perfect number here, 6-iron, back left flag. Sort of feel like I can hit most shots on tap. I feel good at the minute with my iron play, and I haven't been driving it unbelievable over the last while, so I drove it lovely and hit a few putts. So that's probably the difference between shooting a 67 and the scores over the last while.

Q. You mentioned hole a few putts. You holed one on 14, a big curly one. Do you see a white line, do you pick a midpoint?

SHANE LOWRY: You're just trying to pick a spot up here because it's quick for the second half of the putt and you're honestly just was trying to 2-putt it. I got it on a lovely line and nice pace and it was probably going three feet past. So waving to the crowd that wasn't there. It was nice to hole that and nice to hole a few putts, it's something I haven't been doing of late, and it is amazing the difference when you manage to hole a few putts.

Q. Six Top 15s here in the last seven times you've played, so you have got good form on this course. What is it about Wentworth that floats your boat?

SHANE LOWRY: Obviously it's our Flagship Event in Europe and I love everything about it. I love staying down in coral park and I love coming here and playing the golf course and look, I miss the fans here, the best of the year by far, and I miss them. You really do miss them in tournaments, because they are -- they come out here and there are thousands, and they do appreciate good golf. So yeah, we miss them here, everything about Wentworth, and the whole area, the whole down here, just love it.

Q. What are your thoughts on that round?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I'm very happy with that. You know, I came here, only arrived here Tuesday night and I played a practise round yesterday, and couldn't believe how different it was playing it this year, long and soft and difficult. We were very lucky with our side of the draw today. I think the morning starters had it harder than we did, so I was happy to go out there this afternoon, and we sort of played the last few holes with not much wind and I took advantage of that.

Q. We talk about the Wentworth wind around this golf course. How difficult is it trying to pick?

SHANE LOWRY: To be honest, you just need to, the way I've played it, look, I've played it -- this is my 10th one, and every time I come here, I just kind of -- you pick a wind and you just go with that. You have a wind off the first, and it generally goes that way for the whole round, and you just have to trust it. Even when you're down in the trees, it's supposed to be into your face and you feel it in your back. You just have to trust that it's going to play into, and that's the way I've done it over the years and it's worked all right.

Yeah, so it's just about committing to the shot. If you commit to the shot, you have a better chance of hitting a better one.

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