BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 9 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. A 65 to move to 12-under par. You have most rounds of 67 or lower since 2011. Why do you love this place?

SHANE LOWRY: I just always have. I came here in 2010 first when they only did the redo first and I remember everybody moaning that year. You know, they made a lot of changes since then and it's great and it's not as hard as it was. I just love coming back. It's obviously different now, we can't leave the hotel but even staying at Cowarth Park, it's a great place to stay.

Q. You said yesterday that you have been missing the crowds. That's the one piece that is missing for you, but your performance today, it's been tidy so far. Talk us through the putter?

SHANE LOWRY: I really only decided to come here on Sunday. I wasn't too sure whether I was going to play or not. Monday I seen this putter sitting there and I put it down and had a look and was like, well, I'll bring it for the spin. It needed a new grip, anyway. I went to play nine holes with my coach Monday evening at The K Club and putted quite nicely, and I was pretty happy, so brought it, got a new grip on it and decided to use it. I've used it for years. I always used a 2-Ball. It's definitely worked so far.

Q. How satisfied are you with where your game is right now?

SHANE LOWRY: I feel like it's been good. I feel like it's been good for a while. You know, I've been struggling on the greens. Amazing when you hole a few putts, and I've probably driven it a little better this week than I have done all year.

I've been dropping a lot of silly shots on the golf course, and it takes its toll, especially playing golf on the cut mark is just stressful and it's just hard. When you put up a good score in the final round and you get off to a good start in the second round like I did, it frees you up and allows you to play some good golf. That's what I've done and hopefully just keep doing it again.

Q. How different were the conditions today to yesterday?

SHANE LOWRY: Well, this morning was a beautiful morning. It was very cold at the start and the ball was going a long way, no wind and it was a lovely morning to play golf. I do think the way the weather forecast is this afternoon and the way it was yesterday morning, we definitely got the lucky side of the draw. Thankfully I took advantage of it and shot a couple decent scores.

Q. 65, 12-under at the halfway stage, how are conditions today compared to yesterday?

SHANE LOWRY: This morning we got out, it was an absolutely beautiful morning. It was such a nice day to play golf. We got quite lucky, no wind, it was quite cold. The wind didn't pick up until maybe last five or six holes and thankfully I've taken advantage of it now. I've had a couple of decent scores. I'll sit back and watch some golf this afternoon and see where I am at the end of the day get on and see what I can do on the weekend.

Q. How do you deal with a short turnaround after finishing late on a Thursday?

SHANE LOWRY: I suppose, look, I've been doing it 10, 11 years now so you kind of get used to it. When you play well and shoot a good score on Thursday, it's nice to have a good turnaround. Go back, have your quick bit of dinner, get to bed, watch Ireland lose, and get out this morning and do the best you can. After a disappointing night last night, hopefully I can give everyone in Ireland something to cheer about.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102475-1-1003 2020-10-09 12:48:00 GMT

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