BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 9 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Patrick Reed

Quick Quotes

Q. Two solid rounds. How much have you enjoyed playing Wentworth again this year?

PATRICK REED: I've definitely enjoyed. The golf course is amazing, especially with how much it rained Saturday, Sunday, and then with seeing how the golf course held up is amazing. The greens are still rolling true. They are not really that beat up. They definitely know what they are doing over here, especially making sure the golf course is in good shape.

I just need to tighten a few things up, a couple wedge shots here and there that haven't been hit very well and a couple tee shots that haven't quite found the spots I'm looking.

It's always nice to be in good position going into the weekend, especially over here.

Q. The locals are feeling the cold. What's the secret with no sleeves?

PATRICK REED: I've always kind of played with either a vest or rain vest. For some reason, my arms don't really get that cold and I kind of figured out that if my core stays well, my lungs are fine. Ever since I was little, I've always kind of wore short sleeves and I just for some reason I've kind of gotten used to it.

Q. A quiet front nine of level par, but how pleased to come home in 33 and shoot 68?

PATRICK REED: I was happy with 10 through 16. Felt like I put myself in the right spots on 17, 18 but couldn't capitalise. Unfortunately even par on par 5s isn't fun but better finish than yesterday towards the back. I felt like I did what I needed to do to keep myself in the golf tournament, hit some quality golf shots and set up the momentum going into the weekend.

Q. Was 10 a good number for you?

PATRICK REED: It's like 85 per cent 8-iron, and I actually held this one a hair and when I hit it, I knew it was going to be pretty good but when I got up there, I didn't realise it was going to be that good.

Q. 13, drive it in the fairway bunker and makes it a difficult approach shot but how good was this?

PATRICK REED: This ended up being a perfect number, a perfect 9-iron. At this point I was like, give yourself a chance. I was putting really well. This one never left the flagstick and at that point I felt like it was big momentum going into the rest of that back nine. Especially 15 coming up and you knew at that point, 14, 15 16, 17, 18, felt like a momentum booster going into the last five.

Q. Going into the weekend, you'll have ground to make up. Do you wait and see what happens or do you push it a little bit?

PATRICK REED: I'll push it a little bit. I like the things I'm going with my golf swing. I felt like that back nine today, it started going kind of where I was looking and hitting quality golf shots. I'm feeling confident. Go back, rest up, get ready tomorrow. Talk to my coach, do a little work in the morning and put the gas down and kind of go for it because really there's nothing to lose, why not.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102484-1-1003 2020-10-09 16:41:00 GMT

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