BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 10 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

David Horsey

Quick Quotes

Q. 67 today, 10-under par total. Tell us how you played the back nine at Wentworth. What a fantastic finish.

DAVID HORSEY: Yeah, very pleasing. Didn't play my best if I'm honest, a little bit unlucky, but the last six holes played straight downwind. Very cold wind today. Front nine is playing quite long, so it's nice to capitalise on those downwind holes.

Q. Put you in a really good position and you've had some pretty good finishes since golf came out of lockdown. What changed during that period?

DAVID HORSEY: I did quite a bit of work actually, obviously within the limitations of what we could do. I had a net in the garden and did a lot of technique work. I managed to make some progress with what I've been trying to do for quite a while. When you're playing all the time, it's so difficult to make changes.

Yeah, that's really been the difference. Technically miles better, so the bad shots are better, and yeah, I'm actually not putting probably as well as I know I can, and so it's a bit of a role reversal really in my game, really. Generally I putt well when I play well, and it's a bit different now. Yeah, it's nice to see the hard work paying off and have some good results.

Q. A really big day to come tomorrow. Do you put expectations on yourself given the way the season has been?

DAVID HORSEY: Yeah, it's easy to get ahead of yourself. It's easy to sort of try too hard, I suppose, as well, and I've just got to go out there and play, and still probably going to be five or six back come tomorrow. The leaders have those downwind holes to play coming in, so there will be plenty of birdie chances with it being so soft. So go out tomorrow and start fast tomorrow, and who knows.

Q. You know this place well and you know this tournament well. It's always a special one for the English players. Do you dare to look that far ahead to tomorrow at what might be?

DAVID HORSEY: Just got to, like I say, just got to focus on myself for the first nine or 12 holes and see where I'm at. It's given me a chance. Need to get to double figures to have half a chance and I've done that, so part one of the job done.

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